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Why Pregnant Women Need to Stop Smoking By Any Means Necessary

Smoking, more so tobacco has never been good for anyone’s health. It is even worse for pregnant women. Not only does it affect your health, but also of your unborn baby. Pregnancy and smoking do not mix in any way. First of all, if you are looking to get pregnant, you need to find ways in which you can quit smoking. One effective way is using V2 Cigs. This is because smoking can get in the way of you getting pregnant in the first place. The following are some of the harmful effects of smoking while pregnant.

1. Ectopic pregnancy

All the chemicals found in tobacco ill prevent you from having a normal and healthy pregnancy. How does smoking lead to ectopic pregnancies? Nicotine causes the fallopian tubes to shrink or contract. As a result, it makes it hard for the embryo to pass through to the uterus where it is supposed to implant. Instead, the fertilized egg implants on the fallopian tube, which is a condition referred to as ectopic pregnancy. The situation can be life-threatening to the mother, which forces the embryo to be removed.

2. Miscarriage

Smoking can get in the way of you being able to carry your pregnancy full term. Most miscarriages happen in the first three months of pregnancy. Smoking is a risk factor. Also, if the pregnancy survives up to five months, there is also a danger of having a stillbirth.

3. Placental abruption

Placental abruption refers to a condition whereby the placenta detaches itself from the uterus before childbirth. Note that the placenta supports the life of the child and is supposed to be intact throughout the gestation period. If such occurs, the life of the child and the mother is threatened.

4. Preterm birth

Remember that it is usually essential for the baby to be born after a full gestation period. Smoking leads to premature birth. As you may well be aware, premature birth comes with several risks. Such include complication that usually leads to death, visual and hearing impairment, mental disability, and behavioral issues to mention a few.

5. Congenital disabilities

If you do not want your baby to be born with defects, you need to keep the cigarettes away. Most of them are life threatening. A good example is congenital heart defects. Cleft palate and lip are also other complications that can be caused by smoking during pregnancy.