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Why Many Women are Turning to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Many women are nowadays turning to vertical sleeve gastrectomy also known as gastric sleeve surgery as a long term weight loss plan. The procedure achieves significant weight loss as it involves removal of up to 80% of the patient’s stomach. After recovery, the individual feels full sooner after eating, feels less hungry, and most importantly, loses up to three-quarters of the excess weight.

So just why are many women turning to this procedure?

Here are some explanations:

  • Gastric sleeve surgery reduces, improves, or cures some of the obesity-related diseases.

Obesity poses the risk of severe health conditions like cancer, diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, heart diseases, and over ten other conditions. Weight loss is the best way to reduce the chance of such risks, and therefore, many women find gastric sleeve surgery the quickest way to shed off the extra pounds.

  • The amount of weight loss is significant.

The removal of excessive stomach tissues results in decreased production of the hormone Gherkin. This fact minimizes hunger and gives you a full feeling quicker. Within just a year, individuals can lose 50% to 70% of excess body weight.

  • Lesser procedural times.

Given the fact that anesthesia comes with some inherent risk, (especially for obese individuals), the average time a surgical procedure takes can determine a decision.

Compared to other procedures like the gastric bypass, gastric sleeve surgery takes a shorter length of time (an average of 100.4 minutes while gastric bypass procedure takes 164.8 minutes). This may be a minor factor, but surely, it counts.

  • Minimal side effects.

As long as the patient strictly follows the doctor’s instructions after surgery (especially on the post-surgery diet), gastric sleeve surgery has a very high-weight loss success rate with moderate risks of non-serious health complications and side effects.

Gastric sleeve surgery has a lower risk compared to other similar procedures that result in similar amounts of weight loss. It is also among the three long term weight loss plan that is irreversible.

  • The procedure, itself is insurable.

Obesity has become a growing concern among women. This has resulted in many insurance companies covering the whole procedure. Perhaps this is one of the reasons luring many women to undergo the surgical procedure. Without insurance, the surgery can cost between $16,000 and $26,000.

Hopefully, these reasons explain why many women are turning to gastric sleeve surgery. Many obese women are also turning to the procedure due to the health benefits that come with it. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before considering the procedure.