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What Sets CBD Gum Apart From Other CBD Infused Goodies?

Every Day Optimal is one of the few established brands that offer CBD gum from high quality cannabidiol sources. Some may be surprised that CBD now also come in the form of gums, but more of such products will soon be available with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. However, it may take a bit more time before more manufacturers can catch up with the few brands who have gained footholds in the edibles department. It may even take even longer for others to come out with their own take on CBD infused chewing gums and actually make them work.

So what sets CBD gum apart from other edibles? What advantages does it have?

CBD Gum Won’t Make You High

Long time users of CBD already know this fact. Those who are newly interested in CBD supplementation, on the other hand, may be thinking that CBD chewing gums are a cool way to get stoned. No thanks to those who mistakenly use marijuana interchangeably with hemp, CBD is also often confused with THC.

CBD, which again stands for cannabidiol, is extracted from hemp, which is a strain belonging to the cannabis sativa family, just like marijuana. The primary difference between hemp and marijuana is that while the former is a rich source of CBD, it has insignificant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This is the psychoactive compound that gives you the “high.” Marijuana plants contain between 20% to 40% of THC, while hemp, on the other hand, contains only .3%. This means that dosing with CBD will have a very remote chance of giving you a high. Unless the gum is also infused with THC, chewing on CBD gum alone not get you stoned.

 CBD Gums are Legal

Technically, the 2018 Farm Bill Act made hemp cultivation, the processing of its derivatives and consumption legal on the federal level. This corrects a long-standing mistake of including hemp in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which placed unwarranted restrictions on hemp cultivation and processing. Even though hemp does not have psychoactive compounds, its use and consumption were needlessly restricted.

Hemp is one of the most versatile plants. Apart from CBD, hemp is also a source material for a wide range of products including fiber, soap, paper products, clothing, shoes, skin care products, building materials, diapers, etc. It is also eco-friendly as it grows very fast, gives back 70% of the nutrients it takes from the soil and cultivation is highly sustainable. Legalizing hemp and hemp derivatives such as CBD, therefore, is a positive step in the right direction by the government.

You Can Dose Properly With CBD Gum

CBD is not a more-is-better type of supplement nor is it a less-is-more treatment option. CBD requirements vary according to the individual, in the sense that each one has a so-called “sweet-spot” dose where the CBD works best. CBD gums usually come in increments of 10 mg per gum. This means that you can chew on a number of pieces depending on your preferred dose and frequency of self-administration.

Unlike other CBD edibles, chewing on gum take time, usually 10 minutes or more. This means that there is less chances of you dosing more than you should until the CBD has entered your system.

 You Can Dose Discreetly With CBD Gum

When you pop a CBD chewing gum, it will be highly unlikely that you’ll call attention to yourself. This becomes especially helpful if you are with colleagues who are uninformed or are too sensitive on matters related to cannabis. When it is time for your dose, all you need to do is just pop a gum and you’re good, confident that you haven’t upset anyone.

CBD chewing gum essentially lets you get your regular dose of CBD conveniently. While you can also self-administer with other CBD edibles, perhaps no other CBD edible is as routine and ordinary as chewing gum.