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What Is An Asian Eyelid Lift & How Does It Differ From A Traditional Eyelid Lift?

An eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure that can be done at any age for either aesthetic purposes or medical reasons. The procedure is extremely customizable and specifically designed to treat the patient’s individual concerns. While an Asian eyelid lift and a traditional eyelid lift are very similar procedures, there are some major differences when it comes to final results. Let’s take a closer look at what those differences may entail.

Asian Vs. Traditional: What’s the Same?

The most common type of eyelid surgery is an upper blepharoplasty. However, both Asian and traditional eyelid lifts can be combined with a lower blepharoplasty for an enhanced outcome. When done correctly, both Asian lifts and traditional lifts can help you look younger, healthier, and well-rested. In most cases, eyelid surgery is a one-time procedure that leaves patients happy with the long-term results.

Asian Vs. Traditional: What’s the Difference?

Traditional eyelid lifts focus on rejuvenating your facial appearance. The procedure entails thinning bothersome fat pads on the upper eyelid, tightening underlying muscles, and removing excess skin. Asian eyelid surgery has an additional step which creates a crease in the upper lid that many Asian patients are missing. This extra fold opens the eyes and makes them more expressive.

Asian eyelid surgery is considered an extremely niche procedure. For an optimal outcome, it’s essential to find a board-certified surgeon with experience in performing the procedure. At the time of your consultation, ask your surgeon how often they perform Asian blepharoplasties and take a look at any before/after photos they may have.

What Can You Expect?

Asian and traditional eyelid lifts have similar recovery times. Patients can go home the same day but should expect to take anywhere from 3-7 days off work and/or activities that may strain the eyes. The majority of pain will dissipate after 24-72 hours. Your board-certified surgeon will create a customized recovery plan based on your needs.

Results from eyelid surgery are almost immediate. Even after leaving the doctors office, you’ll be able to see a dramatic improvement to your overall facial appearance. As swelling and post-surgical bruising subside over the course of 1-2 weeks, continued improvement will occur. Eyelid surgery has a very high patient satisfaction rate, and most patients only need one in a lifetime.

Are You A Good Candidate for an Asian Blepharoplasty?

You may be a good candidate for an Asian blepharoplasty if you’re self-conscious about the expressiveness of your eyes due to a lack of an upper fold. Men and women who are also bothered by visible signs of aging or sun-damage might also be a good fit for the procedure.

Patients seeking an eyelid lift should be non-smokers, in otherwise good health, and have realistic expectations about what the procedure can do for them. The best way to determine your candidacy is through a face-to-face consult with a skilled surgeon.

Final Thoughts

An Asian blepharoplasty can be a life-changing procedure for the right person and doesn’t require any additional downtime. Although traditional and Asian blepharoplasty procedures are somewhat similar, there are some significant differences that your surgeon will need to take into account. Finding an expert in the field of Asian eyelid lifts can ensure you’re getting the natural-looking you want without complications.