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What are Some Benefits of the HPV Vaccine

Human papillomavirus, or HPV, causes cervical cancer as well as genital warts in men and women. Luckily, there is a vaccination against HPV. It prevents infections with the various HPV types that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. The most effective time for the HPV vaccination is during childhood or adolescence. Adults can also receive the treatment.

HPV infection is common, usually carrying with it no specific symptoms. It can cause genital warts and anal cancer in women and men. HPV may also cause throat cancer. The HPV vaccination is extremely beneficial to those who are sexually active as the greater number of partners increases the chance of infection.

Recent controversial news reveals the mandatory vaccination against the virus. HPV vaccine in Texas is not mandatory, for example, but many say it should be. After all, it is an important safeguard against what can be a deadly disease. Recent news regarding vaccinations of all kind have become a hotbed of discussion. The HPV vaccination, however, should not be a topic of debate as it is a means to protect the person against potential cancers.

It must be stated the HPV vaccination does not protect a person against other sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, syphilis, or HIV.

Perhaps the strongest benefit of the HPV vaccination is peace of mind. For a parent, this can be important. Knowing your daughter or son is protected against the virus brings a level of comfort. One layer of protection against a potentially fatal disease can be beneficial to the well being of the parent or guardian.

There’s no question that some teenagers are sexually active. Protection against potentially fatal diseases is important and beneficial for the lives of all those involved. According to statistics, 12,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, with a mortality rate of 4,000. There’s no doubt HPV infection is a huge problem, but it can be prevented.

Anything that prevents the potential growth of cancer in a man or woman is beneficial. Something like HPV, which can lay dormant and thus unnoticed for years, is specifically dangerous because it is the cause of bigger problems down the road. Vaccination is important to living a healthy sexual life with the knowledge the person is safe from receiving the virus.

HPV vaccination is recommended for adults engaged in sexual activity. This includes men who have sex with men, transgendered people, or even those with an immune system that is compromised by HIV or other immune issues.

For those who are sexually active and wanting to add as much protection their life as possible, HPV vaccination is a necessity. It brings one peace of mind, allowing for a safe sex life devoid of stress. Children and adolescents benefit the most from the HPV vaccination in that it can prevent certain cancers, including cervical, anal, throat, and even penile. The vaccination also prevents the spreading of HPV from one partner to another, a potentially illegal act. If a person is knowingly affected with HPV and transmits the disease to another person, they are exposing that person to the infection. They have opened the door to disease and infection, including deadly cancers. A simple HPV vaccination can prevent this from being a further problem, keeping both parties safe.

HPV vaccination is an invaluable tool toward the protection of sexually transmitted cancers. It helps restore the peace of mind for the patient and the parent or guardian knowing their loved one is safe from a potentially fatal condition.