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The Unexpected Causes of Unpleasant Body Odor and How to Fix It

Body odor is an unpleasant smell our bodies can give off when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acids. We all deal with the unpleasant body smell from time to time. The good news is that once you know the causes, you can easily find the solutions.

Check out 7 of the most surprising things that can make you stink, and what to do about them.

Too much stress

Too much stress causes us to produce sweat and odor, so it’s time to take a nice, deep breath. This means that taking time for yourself to unwind each day and each week could be a big factor when it comes to reducing bad odor.

Spicy food

Certain spices like garlic or curry can actually make your skin smell. As we digest these spices, our bodies release a sulfur-containing gas. The smell comes from how our bodies break down these spices and spicy foods. When eating spicy foods, it is important to drink a plenty of water before and after the meal in order to prevent the skin smell.

Not wearing socks

When you wear sneakers or shoes without socks, your feet heat up and start to sweat. When there is no ventilation, the smell stays with both your feet and your shoes. Try to wear socks, or spray the inside of your shoes with a bleach spray.

Certain medications

Some of the medications come with potential side effects, and some of them can make you smell. Birth control pills can lead to dry mouth and smell of sulfur. The over-the-counter medications can cause bad body odor. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and anti-depressants lead to over-sweating. Always read the labels and consult your doctor if you’re concerned.

Eating too much red meat

Red meat is hard for our body to digest, and that can lead to an unpleasant smell. As our systems break down the red meat, the amino acids leave a residue in our intestines. Once our enzymes break down that residue, it can mix with that pesky skin bacteria and cause a smell. When consuming a red meat, drink plenty of water to reduce the smell.


Pregnancy is a time of swollen ankles, crazy cravings, and new body odors. Your whole aura changes when you’re pregnant, and that includes your personal body odor. The hormonal changes can also lead to bad breath and vaginal odor.

Low-carb diet

Low-carb diets are known for their quick weight loss and burning fat. But when you burn fat, your body produces a chemical that can make the perspiration smell either like nail polish remover or fruity. This new smell usually lasts for as long as you are on the diet.