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Top Skin Treatments

Over half of American adults use some kind of skin care product every day, according to Statista.com, but even if you’re diligent about taking good care of your skin, it’s not always enough which is why many look for something else. In-office treatments can help – these are the top options today if you’re looking to improve the health and appearance of your skin.


Microdermabrasion is a popular wrinkle treatment that can be performed quickly by a licensed skincare professional, usually within an hour. It’s safe and works to lighten acne scars, remove age spots, address fine lines and wrinkles as well as other issues like sun damage, stretch marks and melasma. A handheld instrument is used to spray tiny crystals on the surface of the skin which exfoliates the layers of the skin while also using suction to remove the crystals and dead skin cells. If you want to learn more about this or similar treatments, check out Hair and Skin Clinic and their page PRP skin in Sydney.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels, also referred to as derma-peeling or chemexfoliation, are a popular anti-aging treatment used to rejuvenate the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. It can help correct problems like acne scars, fine lines and dark spots caused by sun damage. The chemical peel starts the process of breaking down bonds between skin cells in the top layer to mimic and speed up the natural exfoliation process. When the peel is removed, the skin cells are sloughed off to reveal new cells to heal the skin, making it look healthier, smoother and younger. There are different chemicals used which vary in strength, including alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), phenol, glycolic acid and trichloroacetic acid (TCA).


As you age, you lose an important substance called hyaluronic acid (HA) in your skin, particularly in connective tissues. That contributes to wrinkles and other signs of aging. Restylane is a type of facial filler which helps to make you look younger by plumping the cheeks and lips, and smoothing wrinkles. It’s an injected gel that contains natural hyaluronic acid that’s especially effective for treating wrinkles around the mouth, although it’s also used to plump the lips and cheeks and can be used for treating under-eye hollows. The procedure is performed in less than an hour in a physician’s office, and while it can cause some initial bruising and/or swelling, it’s considered safe with few side effects. As the revitalizing effects are temporary, follow-up treatments are advised every six to nine months.

Acne Blue Light Therapy

If you suffer from frequent acne breakouts, you might want to try this blue light therapy that targets bacteria which causes it. It’s ideal for moderate acne that hasn’t responded to other skincare treatments and is administered over several weeks. It doesn’t damage the skin, and rarely causes any side effects. It’s FDA approved specifically for acne, but it can also be used for addressing the effects of aging, sun damage and other skin issues like uneven pigmentation, wrinkles, freckles, age spots, enlarged pores and rosacea. A non-invasive procedure, there’s no recovery time or requirement to avoid the sun following treatment.