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Top 9 Benefits of Low-Carb Diets

I know you have seen a lot of “weight loss” diets that never fulfilled their promises. It’s frustrating, trust me on that. However, low carb diet is one of the few real deals out there.

Below are the some of the benefits why you should go for low-carb diets.

#1. Weight loss

One of the essential benefits of a low-carb diet is weight loss. Reduction of carbs in your diet naturally results in weight loss and the best part of it is, you don’t feel starved. It is one of the oldest weight loss diets, and it has stood the test of time.

In 2014, The National Institutes of Health conducted a study on low-carb diets. They found out that low-carb diet works efficiently and also reduces cardiovascular risk.

Many people testify that low-carb diets guarantee faster weight loss results than any other diets. A low-carb diet is known for producing fast weight loss without starving yourself or indulges in counting calories. You can check these keto diet before and after success stories for yourself.

What makes low-carb diet so effective for losing excess fat? This is how it works: Low-carb diet helps to remove carbohydrates from the diet and to ensure our body’s glycogen store is low thereby preventing insulin (fat-storage hormone) from circulating the bloodstream. Our body has no choice, but to use all its glycogen stores and also fat stores in our body fat (adipose tissue) for energy.

In other words, reducing insulin increases fat burning, it enables the release of stored body fat. This results in reduced hunger and even increased energy expenditure, without workouts.

#2. Reverse type 2 diabetes

As if weight loss is not enough benefit to go with a low-carb diet, it brings another health amazing benefit yet again to enhance our lifestyle- reverse type 2 diabetes. How wonderful!

This diet helps reverse type 2 diabetes. High blood sugar levels are as a result of the excess of carbohydrates intake. No wonder, reversing type 2 diabetes is an automatic function of a low-carb diet. When there is a low intake of carbohydrates, it becomes easier for our body to control its blood sugar levels.

#3. No more sugar cravings

The low-carb diet eliminates sugar cravings. It is advisable for sweet food addicts to go for low-carb diets. Low-carbs keeps you full and satisfied; the reason people crave for sweets in the first place is to satisfy their constant hunger. When you are on a low-carb diet, you don’t feel the need to indulge in unnecessary sweet foods.

#4. Eliminate the risks of having acne

This is one of the reasons I chose a low-carb diet as a lifestyle. Acne was my unwanted friend that I have to show to everyone, every day until there was a change in my diet. Several people including me noticed a positive difference on our skin due to low-carb diets.

A study compared the effect of an experimental low glycemic-load diet with a conventional high glycemic-load diet on clinical and endocrine aspects of acne vulgaris.

People with acne prone skin may have too much insulin( hyperinsulinemia). A low-carb diet helps eliminate acne.

According to Alan R. Shalita, MD, Chairman of the dermatology department at Suny Downstate Medical Center , NY. States that “foods that are low in glycemic index may contribute to the hormal control of acne” To eliminate acne problems, one of the best strategies is a low-carb diet.

Furthermore, it is advisable for people with acne to reduce their carbohydrate intake and dairy. The only way to avoid high blood sugar is to change your diet; eat low-carb foods such as  fresh fruits, vegetables and meat.

#5. Improves physical endurance

Low-carb diets especially keto diets can significantly increase your physical endurance by continually giving your body access to all the energy of your fat stores.

Fat stores carry enough energy to last for months! What can beat that? Keto diet helps fuel your brain and body every time from fat stores, and you can keep going forever. Low-carb diets give you all you need to keep you going.

#6. It decreases seizures in children as well as adults

Since 1920, low-carb diet (Ketogenic diet) is used for children with epilepsy. Modern studies have proved that ketogenic diet also works with adults. It allows patients to take fewer or no anti-epileptic drugs and still controls the seizures.

#7. Prevents Migraines

Imagine a life without migraines- what bliss! Is it possible to avoid migraines by avoiding carbs? Studies and experience suggest it might be. The good news is, you can enjoy a life void of migraines with low-carb diets (Keto diet).

#8. It prevents Cancer

This may sound shocking, but it’s true, low-carb diet starves the cancer cells in the body thereby reducing the risk of having cancer. Low-carb diets, preferably ketogenic diets, eliminate cancer by killing the cancer cells in the body. Studies have shown that highly processed, pro-inflammatory, low nutrient diet can enhance cells which may cause them to increase quickly.

#9. It reduces heartburn

Heartburns can be reduced with low-carb diets. Carbohydrates, glycemic and sugar are associated with reflux disease and reflux disease is one of the causes of heartburns. People with heartburns who changed their diets to low-carb high-fat diet have gotten better.