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Top 10 Ways to Remove Acne Scars Naturally

Acne scars can be very nauseating when they appear on your body. Not only that they look awful, but they give some negative tales about your beauty consciousness.  No wonder, no one like to see them on their glittering body. When acne scars appear, they call for immediate attention to stop them from spreading in other areas of the body. Unfortunately, many people resort to using some unverified means trying to remove or stop acne. This unwholesome practice, in most cases, can cause more damage to your skin than you can ever imagine. Nothing gives you a more assured solution to acne scars than the natural remedies which this article will reveal to you and your loved ones. Using some of the “Top X ways to remove acne scars naturally” revealed in this article will quickly and naturally helps you get rid of acne scars leaving your skin glittering again. Fortunately, there are several beauty and cosmetics companies online like Actinera that offer some natural beauty products that can help you.

Top X ways to remove acne scars naturally:

  1. A mixture of Honey and Lemon: The mixture of natural and pure honey and fresh natural lemon juice can work magic in getting out the acne scars on your skin. Simply cut a whole lemon into two halves. Squeeze out the juice and pass it through a fine sieve. Put two tablespoons of honey in a clean container preferably a small plastic bottle. Then add two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice. Shake the mixture well until the honey is well dispersed in the lemon juice. Just clean the acne scars with good and rub on the spot at least three times a day. This will quickly get rid of the awful looking acne scars.
  2. Lemon scrub: Lemon fruit contains a good source of citric acid with lots of healing properties. Get a fresh lemon fruit. Slice into two and scrub the acne spots with the lemon. You can repeat this as many times as possible in a day. Within days of diligent application, the acne spots and scars will disappear.
  3. Aloe Vera: Fresh Aloe Vera leaves can also be used for scrubbing in the same manner as the lemon. Just scrip off the light skin of Aloe Vera to expose its slimy content. Scrub the acne spots or scars with as often as convenient. Few days of application will leave your skin free of acne. Aloe Vera is naturally packaged and offered for sale online by many cosmetics online marketers. You can check com for Aloe Vera.
  4. Onion scrub: Onion scrub or onion bath as some tend to call it is another wonderful natural way to get rid of messy scars or spots. Onions fluid contains good properties that overcome skin-redness, inflammation, and soreness. Scrub the affected areas with slices of onions. Though you need to repeat this exercise on a daily basis.
  5. Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a very rich source of omega fatty acid. Coconut oil does not just penetrate your skin; it also moisturizes the skin and restores the health of your skin. When you dab coconut oil on the affected acne areas, it clears it off.
  6. Baking Powder: This is surprisingly an effective natural remedy to quickly and harmlessly remove acne spots or scars. Make a paste of baking powder with 2 parts of water and 1 part of baking powder. Place the paste on the spots, leave it on for a few minutes, possibly 5 to 10 minutes. Gently wash and rinse. You may apply coconut oil for a greater result.
  7. Tomato and honey: Rubbing tomato slices on scars is found to be effective in reducing the appearance of the marks or scars. Tomato is renowned for its rich source of vitamin A and carotenes which serve as antioxidant responsible for the healing of damaged skin pigments. When you scrub the affected acne scars with slices of tomato dabbed with honey will heal the scar. This needs to be repeated about two times daily for an upward of one week for noticeable healing to be affected.
  8. Shea butter: The use of Shea butter is an effective natural solution to getting rid of acne scars, stretch marks, sunburn, and burnt scars. A continuous and generous application of Shea butter will heal and restore the skin of any blemish.
  9. A blend of honey, turmeric powder, and ginger powder: Combining the healing properties of honey with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric and the antibacterial effects of ginger offers you a quick recovery from acne scars. Just add 2 parts of honey with 1 part of turmeric powder and 1 part of ginger powder to form a smooth paste. Apply on the affected areas and leave on for about 15 – 20 minutes before washing away with cool water.
  10. Honey contains its own unique healing property which offers antibacterial activity, and also provides a protective barrier against infection. When honey is solely applied on acne scars, it provides a moist cover and hastens the quick natural healing of the scars. Honey is a universal natural healing substance.

By and large, nature has provided us with a great and useful natural alternative to deal with most of our health issues. For acne spots and scars, the natural healing solutions available to us are numerous. We are sure that the well “Top X Ways to Remove Acne Scars Naturally” articulated above will restore your skin to its enviable state of health.