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Tips for Women Who Quit Smoking

The fact that smoking is bad –  knows absolutely everyone! Doctors say about it from all sides, a lot of frightening videos about the dangers of smoking have been shot, and a warning is written on all packs of cigarettes in large letters. But what do we see in the end? Every 3 person cannot imagine his life without smoking.

How can a woman stop smoking and in general, whether it is necessary to do it? In our modern world, the problem of smoking has not lost its relevance for many years. And frankly speaking, a smoking man is less disgusted than a woman with a cigarette in her hands. Why is this happening? Let’s try to figure it out. Unfortunately, people now starting to smoke at a young age. A lot of people live their whole lives with a cigarette in their hands.

Women smoke on a par with men. Some do it because it is fashionable to smoke, others think that they look sexier this way, and still others naively believe that you can lose weight with cigarettes. All this is nonsense! You need to know that smoking has more detrimental consequences on the female body than on the male body.

Smokers among women have much more facial wrinkles than those who have permanently erased cigarettes from their lives. Nicotine, without which not a single cigarette exists, slows down the process of skin regeneration. It simply “kills” collagen, which gives us freshness and helps our skin resist the harmful effects of the environment. Quitting smoking will make you look younger in a couple of months!

Women often use red lipstick, in order to their lips look sexy. But only if you have white teeth. Smoking cigarettes make your teeth yellow. And this does not decorate a woman. The bigger the experience of smoking, the more money a person throws on visits to the dentist.

How to easily give up cigarettes? Less nervous and avoid stressful situations. Remember how many times you grabbed a cigarette after a quarrel with your beloved or scandal at work. Most likely the answer is constantly. That is why it is essential to control your emotions. A woman is hard to do it, but you need to try.

Rest and sleep more. Healthy sleep – a healthy body and nerves. To sleep better, it is good to drink tea with mint or melissa before going to bed. Ventilate the room and good sleep is guaranteed.

Develop a disgust from smoking. By the way, you can calculate how much money is spent per month on your bad habit. This amount is quite enough for a beautiful dress. So maybe it’s time to start spending money on more enjoyable things. Also, you can spend this money to buy Vaperevs.com starter kits for vaping newbies. It can help you to quit smoking or at least to smoke less.

Women who quit smoking by the age of 30 almost completely avoid the risk of dying from smoking-related diseases – scientists found out in a study in which more than a million British residents participated.

To begin with – materialize your desire. Take the pen and paper. The first list is the joys and delights that smoking gives you (most likely, there will be no more than three lines in it). The second list – the problems that give you smoking. The third list is the reasons why you must stop smoking. The fourth list is what exactly will change for the better when you quit smoking (the skin becomes healthy, the teeth become white, the legs no longer hurt, performance improves, money is saved for all kinds of amenities, etc.). Strictly discard nicotine chewing gum and patches. Their use is tantamount to treating a drug addict. Quitting smoking should be a one-time! As long as nicotine enters the blood (from a cigarette or a patch – it does not matter), the body will require it again and again.

Do not be fooled by excuses – “Now is too much stress in my life.” Stress will never end. Nicotine does not help with depression, does not relieve the nervous system, does not soothe the psyche and does not increase the brain’s work (“when I smoke, I work more efficiently, thoughts come right away, etc.) – this is an illusion. In fact, everything happens the other way around: because of the thinking process, you do not notice how you smoke one by one. Hence the belief that cigarettes help to think.

Learn to enjoy your life without cigarettes. Remember what it is like not to stink of nicotine, not to cough in the morning, not to fall through the ground, when your interlocutor shies away from your smell, to feel the aromas of nature sharply, not to jump out from the table during the holiday, to urgently smoke. It is better to use e cig starter kit, which is less harmful to your health.

Tell that you want to quit smoking to those people whose opinion you value (this will support you in your endeavor). You will see that everyone will approve your decision exclusively. To get rid of smoking was in full swing, praise yourself, pay attention to visible changes in your appearance and health status, try to imagine more often what progress you will achieve – with joy and pride to reap the fruits of your own efforts. Money saved on cigarettes can be set aside for the realization of any long-held dream. The main thing – to quit smoking, in any case, do not give up! If you feel weak, fight with all available ways: turn to psychotherapy, buy a nicotine patch or try to use vapor cigarette starter kit.

They say that it is easier to throw gradually, and not sharply. Reduce the number of cigarettes per day, increase the time interval between “smoke breaks”;

Do some sports. Aerobic exercise will help to remove nicotine from the cells and tissues of your body, which means that you will be less drawn to the old habit. In addition, testosterone produced during physical exertion will compensate for the pleasure that cigarettes once brought you;

Avoid places where there are a lot of smokers. The smell of smoke can trigger a “relapse”. Instead of cigarettes, you can use e cigarette starter kits with a pleasant smell;

You can take your hands (to “fool the habit of holding a cigarette in your hands) with some objects: balls, rosaries, etc .;

Do not replace cigarettes drinking alcoholic beverages;

All the time, do some new exciting things to keep your mind and thoughts about cigarettes out. It can be reading books, drawing, walking and everything that you think of.