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This Summer will be filled with White, Blue, and Maybe Red?

No one is looking forward to feeling cramps, bloating, and the inconvenience periods bring in this summer heat. As summer shows no sign of slowing, some women might be seeing more red, than white and blue. Don’t let your period get in the way of enjoying the pool, the warm sun, the tasty food, and cool drinks. Here are some tips for surviving your period in the summer heat and being in tune with your body.

Locate the Closest Bathroom

Don’t let your period keep you from hitting up all your favorite spots and enjoying the outdoors. Go have fun and explore, but just be sure to eye the closest bathroom in case of a period emergency.

Drink Water and Eat Plenty of Food

Whether you are at the beach, a barbeque, or just eating at your favorite place, don’t be scared to indulge! Your body burns more calories when you are on your period and it’s important to eat and stay hydrated. Here are some healthy summer foods that are great for munching when you are on your period:

  • Papaya and watermelon help with bloating, but papaya may increase your flow.
  • Bananas are great if you are dealing with PMS, mood swings, and digestion issues.
  • Almonds can help regulate blood sugar and lower your cravings.

No one wants to look or feel bloated in their swimsuits or summer best. Stay away from carbonated drinks and replace them with water. Salty foods can make your body retain too much water and leave you looking bloated and feeling uncomfortable.

Cramps at the beach

Throw your favorite pain reliever in your bag, but if that doesn’t do the trick, there is more you can do. Go to the bathroom frequently because full bladders and bowels can lead to your cramps feeling worse. When lying down in the sand elevate your legs on your beach bag, this position helps relieve cramps. Replace your ice coffee or caffeinated tea with an herbal tea to skip out on the caffeine that intensifies cramps.

Though summer is about getting lost in fun and enjoying the people and places around you, it’s important to listen to your own body, especially when it comes to your period. Many women experience symptoms or are diagnosed with a uterine fibroid condition express how they have overlooked the warning signs. In the spirit of National Fibroids Awareness Month, nearly 70% of women in the U.S. will develop uterine fibroids by the age of 50. There are warning signs your period may be telling you, but many women overlook those signs and assume it’s a part of their monthly cycle. Whether it’s the color of your period blood or the type of period you are experiencing, tuning into your body will reveal what you should be aware of.

Not Sure What the Color of Your Period Blood Means?

Bright Red:

This means your blood is fresh and flowing quickly. If you have bright red blood in between periods it could be due to an infection and you should contact your doctor. If you have a heavy flow and clotting it be a warning sign of having uterine fibroids.

Dark Red:

This means you are at the end of your period and that your blood has had enough time to turn dark, but not enough time to oxidize. No worries! This is completely normal.


When blood has time to oxidize it turns brown. This means blood has been sitting in your uterus for a while and it can be the beginning or end of your period. If you have brown blood while not on your period, you should get it checked by your doctor.


This could be due to spotting and your blood mixing with cervical fluid. Pink also means that you may have low estrogen, which could lead to osteoporosis in the future.


This is similar to pink blood as in it means your blood is mixing with cervical fluid, but if its orange it means you may have an infection and should get it checked out by a doctor.


Your blood may be grey due to an infection or a miscarriage and you should get in contact with your doctor immediately.

*Advised to consult a doctor if you are pregnant and/or experience any abnormal physical symptoms*