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The Truth About Fat-burning Products

Many fat-burning products can help you lose weight. However, only a handful of them work safely, effectively and sustainably. You can find one such product if you click here and the one thing that makes it effective and safe is that it doesn’t contain an ingredient that most other fat burners have, which is caffeine.

Before you get any wrong ideas though, this discussion will not bash caffeine in any way as it is an effective weight-loss aid if you supplement with it properly. What the following aims to do is lay down the truth about fat-burning products, which will hopefully allow you to make an informed decision once you decide to use them as a supplement.

Caffeine: The Good

It is almost impossible to discuss fat-burning products without mentioning caffeine. This stimulant is almost like a standard among weight-loss supplements for a number of good reasons. Caffeine is very effective in speeding up the body’s metabolism and metabolic rate, and it helps suppress appetite as well. In theory, caffeine will make you use up your glycogen stores in your body, which will then force it to turn to the body’s fat reserves as an alternate source of energy. Its appetite suppressing property will help you fight through hunger pangs and cravings.

Caffeine: The Bad

The trouble with caffeine is that it is only effective for a certain amount of time, which is why caffeine-based fat burners are not as effective with heavy coffee drinkers. You’ll have to cycle caffeine supplementation if you want to keep enjoying its fat-burning effects longer. This means that you also have to forgo coffee, colas and other beverages with caffeine during your off-cycle.

You need to put in enough sleep to convert fat into energy effectively. Being a potent stimulant, caffeine can disrupt your sleep patterns and thus make you less efficient in burning fat during sleep. Stimulants also cause stress that triggers the production of cortisol that, in turn, causes the body to produce more insulin. The presence of insulin in your system not only prevents fat burning, but it is also the hormone responsible for storing excess carbohydrates into fat.

Perhaps the most notable “bad” that comes with caffeine supplementation are its many side effects. In larger doses, caffeine can give you many problems, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, cramps, dehydration and cardiac arrhythmia. People have even been known to die from caffeine overconsumption as well.

Fat Burners: What to Look For

If you think that you need fat burners to help you in your weight-loss regimen, look for those with minimal caffeine content. Instead, search for products that have effective appetite suppressing properties and those that can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. Having these two properties will help keep your insulin low and boost your growth hormone levels. Growth hormone is one of the body’s most effective fat-burning triggers.

For the past several years, ketogenic and low-carb diets and intermittent fasting has been increasing in popularity because of their effectiveness and sustainability. Fat burners that can help you fight through hunger and cravings, as well as block carbs, will be immensely helpful with these eating plans.