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The Freshness Fix – How To Make Your Perishable Foods Last

Whether you are looking save money on the weekly groceries, or simply find that you cannot eat your food before it goes bad, there are ways of making perishable foods last longer. It can be a complete waste to have to discard what could have been delicious vegetables or fruits. Following some simple strategies and tips, including proper refrigeration, storage and utilising solutions such as vacuum sealers, can help you to easily avoid this problem.

Ultimately, you will end up saving money by avoiding the waste of discarded food. You will also reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your demand for these foods as well as keeping them out of the landfill to simply rot and go unused. Nowadays, it is important that we all take steps to reduce the amount of waste that we create and contribute to in any way that we can and making positive changes at home is the perfect place to start.

Keep reading to learn more about perishable food preservation and how you can keep your food fresh for longer.

Fill Up Your Fridge

Looking more closely at actionable steps to take when extending the life of your perishable foods, the most significant change one can make is to refrigerate what needs refrigerating. As simple as it is, many people are not aware of which vegetables and fruits fare better in the fridge and which fare better on your countertop. For example, avoid putting tomatoes in the fridge as this will actually make them spoil faster.

Storing foods in airtight containers can also extend their lifespan. Be sure to space items out in the fridge to provide for adequate and even air circulation. Vacuum sealing is another alternative in lieu of plastic containers that can prevent food oxidation and thus extend the shelf life of perishable items.

Make sure that your fridge is set at the appropriate temperature for food preservation. The manual temperature setting can get bumped from time to time and so checking this periodically can ensure that your food is fresh for longer.

Practice Good Food Hygiene

Everyone should be sure to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before consuming them. Removing the pesticides and other potential contaminants can make a big difference for your health. However, to keep your veggies alive and appetising for longer, be sure to wash them right before you plan to eat or prepare them. Damp items left in the fridge will spoil faster than otherwise.

As a general rule, it is a good idea to store vegetables and fruits in separate drawers. If your fridge has the space, this can prevent ethylene from releasing from some produce which tends to rapidly ripen other foods.

Read Food Labels

Most food gets thrown out because it reaches a date at which it is no longer safe to eat. However, there are many labels out there which can get mixed up and confused leading to food getting thrown out for no reason. For example, items marked “best before” a given date are generally safe to eat after this date, though quality may have deteriorated slightly. Additionally, “sell by” does not refer to an item’s ability to be consumed safely, but rather refers to a forecast of that item’s peak freshness meant as a retailer guideline. Take these dates with a grain of salt and examine food for yourself to determine its edibility.

Do Your Part To Minimise Food Waste

The amount of food that is wasted in the developed world each year is staggering. Do your best to be a part of the solution to this global problem and save yourself a great deal of money in the process. By making straightforward changes and reading food labels regarding proper handling and care, you can continue to inform yourself as to how you can make your perishables last longer in the future.