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The Fastest Way to Replace a Lost or Stolen Social Security Card

You misplaced your Social Security card a few years ago, and now your bank wants to see it before they allow you to open a new account. So, you have to obtain a replacement card.

You can obtain a replacement card either by going to a Social Security Office, via a phone call, or online. The fastest way and perhaps the most convenient is to order a new card online. You don’t have to waste time and money traveling to a Social Security office when you can do everything from the comfort of your home or office.

Let’s take a deeper look at what requesting a social security card online is all about.

Replacing a Social Security Card Online

If you are a U.S citizen aged 18 years or older, you can order Social Security Card online provided you have a U.S. mailing address. You’ll start the online application process by creating a Social Security account at the SSA website.

Once you create the account, you can follow the online prompts to obtain a replacement card. The instructions are straightforward and easy to follow. You can complete the process in a few minutes. It’s worth noting that the application system has integrated security features that ensure the safety of your identity and personal information.

There are several documents you should have when applying for a social security card replacement. Let’s explore the documents.

Documents Required for Replacing SS Card

You’ll need to provide some crucial original or certified copies of various documents to verify the following:

  • Identity – You can prove your identity by showing a state-issued ID card, a U.S. driver’s license, U.S. passport, military ID card, school ID card, employee ID card, or health insurance card.
  • Citizenship – You can provide your U.S. birth certificate or passport as proof of your citizenship.
  • Age – You can prove your age by providing a U.S. birth certificate, U.S. Passport, U.S. hospital birth record, or a religious record showing your birth date provided the record was made before you were age 5.

Be sure every document you submit is current as expired documents won’t be accepted. Receipts showing you’ve applied for the documents won’t work either.

What if You Can’t Order a Card Online?

If for any reason you can’t apply for a replacement social security card online, then you’ll have to make a trip to the nearest Social Security office to present the required documentation depending on your age and citizenship status.

Namely, you could be a U.S. citizen, a foreign-born U.S. citizen, or a non-U.S. citizen aged 18 and above. You could also be applying for your child’s replacement card. Different documents will be required for each situation.


The online SSA application makes obtaining a replacement social security card easy and time-efficient. You don’t have to endure long lines at a social security office, which can be time-wasting and tiresome. The service is free, and you can access it from the comfort of your couch.