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The Best Color Shoes to Match Your Silver Outfit

Silver is an all-party color for dresses and as we know, the party season is just round the bend. Silver is bold, beautiful, yet classy; a little drift from the ‘Black’  – an all-time favorite. However good looking your dress might be, all will be a waste if it is not complemented by an awesome pair of shoes that pulls attention to your outfit.

Shoes are a great accessory that can either make or break the look that you want. And while getting party ready, there are two things one should keep in mind, along with the silver creation you have on your shoes should either stand out or let the outfit be the star of the evening. The women should take their Wolverine boots for the coming winter season and add the bad girl glam to the silver outfit.

However, silver can be either dark, light or have a metallic or a leather-ish tone to it and knowing how to compliment the outfit is just the answer to your question of what shoes work best for silver outfits. Another important factor is the type of dress you are planning to wear and the look you want to achieve.

Go, Black

Black is the most common color, you’d say. But, I say, Black is classic and you can never go wrong with the evergreen and never out-of-fashion color. Black shoes add the needed contrast to the glittery attire that you are donning for the occasion. If the dress has enough bling, keep the shoes toned down and basic and if the outfit is simple, go bling-y with your shoes. One added tip for you – keep the focus on only one part of your entire look, be it the dress, the shoes or the accessories. Add a simple, matte and elegant black, silver or off-white clutch to add charm to your attire of the evening.

Twinkling silver

Color coordination is good, if not overdone. You’d think silver with silver, too much. But, I’d say, go ahead. Add the bling to your outfit and stand out enough to make a statement. The glittery the affair, silvery can be your look. Your choice. Add a simple pair of strappy, non-bling silver sandals or a glittery pair of pumps to your silver dress.

If you are not confident enough to carry the all-silver look, go on, opt for a simple white pair of shoes. But, make sure they have a tint of silver to blend in with the outfit.

Red, Red, Red

Red is fun, red is bold and red brings out the shine out in a silver dress. Add the fun element to your outfit with a pair of red shoes and turn heads. Red can be played around with and you can choose from various shades of red, from crimson to blood red, orange hue to burnt red or burgundy, depending upon the dress you have chosen to wear. If your dress has too much glitter or sequins, downplay the red color and go for crimson or burnt orange and if the dress is simple, blood red is the one you have to go for. Add the red lipstick and a funky clutch to complete the fun look.

Slay them with the red.

Gold, Glitter, and warmth

Golden shoes are the ultimate party shoes and same as black, you can never go wrong with them. Add a golden touch to your silver attire and add the golden charm to the outfit. Gold is warm, gold has the charm. Gold colored shoes add a zest to the already glittery outfit and add a whiff of warmth to your outfit. Go for golden stilettos with any type of silver outfit, dress, maxi, skirts or jumpsuits and you are ready to party.

Rose gold can be the surprise package for your choice of shoes and clutch with the silvery affair.

Nudes and flesh-tones

Nudes are the safest bet and one that is surely found in every closet. If you are uncomfortable with other colors blending in or standing out with your silver dress, nudes are the one for you. They go with almost every color and pattern of an outfit and are a no-nonsense pair of shoes.

Flesh-toned shoes that match the tone of your skin type are a new rage.  Flesh-toned shoes are the new nudes. It is a conventional and unassuming color for shoes that again go with every dress type, pattern, and color. Add a simple black clutch to complete your look.

These are a few of the color options that I personally like and prefer and it is up to the individual to go for the color of shoes they like and are comfortable in. Go for the color you like and make a statement for yourself. I’d say, play around with colors, experiment and wear what you feel is right. Add your own magic to the silver dress you want to wear to the party.