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Sugar Causes Oral Cavities? Debunking the Myth

Does it sound like an old mother’s tale that sugar causes tooth decay?

Is it just confused parents that used to frighten children off from eating a bag of Halloween sugary snacks?

Is it the reason why Orthodontist Normand Bach always provides dental tips and precautions to take care of children’s teeth?

As parents, we should make healthy choices for our children, and maybe reduce all the no’s with a couple of yes’ every now and then. Therefore, when you’re thinking of sugars, especially the bags of candies that your children will be eating from on Halloween and party right through to Valentine’s Day, we really want to help you comprehend the connection between sugar and cavities.

What Exactly Is A Tooth Decay or Cavity?

A tooth cavity, also known as tooth caries, is actually a gap in a tooth exactly where the tooth enamel has damaged due to decay.

Tooth decay is induced when oral plaque buildup – a tacky bacteria that creates naturally in the digestive system – builds up on your tooth. If left for long time periods, that back plate can cause rotting, causing a tooth cavity. If left untreated, a tooth cavity may make a hole through your tooth and reach nerve endings creating serious pain. It may also create the requirement for a root canal or even end in tooth loss.

Does Sugar Really Cause Tooth Decay?

Not at all, sugar does not trigger tooth decay; bacteria trigger teeth cavities. However, sugars digestion can create bacteria, which, if not properly treated, may end up not only teeth cavities but also gingivitis and may even result in tooth loss.

When you eat food, chemicals are naturally produced by your body to break down the food to help in digestion. Most of these chemicals demineralize your tooth. One good thing is, your tooth is re-mineralized by brushing, using fluorinated liquid, and even your own spittle. To Boil it down, it is actually fine to bask in some fizzy goodies as long as good care is taken to cut down the presence of bacteria that lead to teeth cavities.

You have probably heard it: sweets will decay your teeth. However, while your diet rich in all kinds of sugar certainly encourages the development of teeth cavities (as well as some other health conditions, such as weight problems), sugar itself is not the real root cause behind cavities.

Tooth Cavity Prevention

In order to prevent teeth cavities, you don’t have to quit on sugars, but you will have to stick to good dental care; especially right after holidays such as Hollow’s eve. For both children and grown-ups, the ADA highly suggests brushing the teeth 2 times a day, rinsing and flossing with mouthwash on a daily basis, eating sugar-free foods, and visiting the dental office twice a year.

Guiding your children to eat fewer candies can certainly help prevent teeth cavities but also has various other health advantages. Developing good oral health routines in children is a positive way to reduce future health issues, such as improved cardiovascular system health, lower risk of all forms of diabetes, heart stroke, cancer, and much more.