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How To Stop Your Dyed Hair From Fading

Dyed hair needs more attention and care than natural hair, because dye makes your hair more fragile and dry. You need to take good care for your hair if you want your color to last longer. Here are some beauty tips on how to stop your dyed hair from fading:


1. Wash your hair with warm water, instead of hot. Hot water opens your cuticle and causes fading of the color.

2. Wait for 48 hours after dying, before shampooing your hair thoroughly. This way, the color will penetrate deep into the hairs.

3. You can wash your hair every second day, and in the meantime use dry shampoo.

4. Avoid using products that contain sulfate and alcohol. Use only products that are for dyed hair.

5. Don’t use the blow dryer and the straightening press too often. The heat will not only damage your hair, it will also cause your dye to fade.

6. Use silicon hair drops. They’ll protect your hair and will help you maintain your hair color longer.