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Solo Activities for Stressed Women Needing Time Alone

Most family-oriented women would go to the ends of the earth for their loved ones. They regularly put their family members’ needs before their own while balancing their careers, home commitments, and errands.

While they often do this without complaint, there may come a time when women can feel entirely stressed out by their regular obligations and need some alone time. If you’re currently feeling like this, prioritize solo activities for that much-needed alone time. You can add some of the following activities to your list:

Stressed Women

Relax with Cannabis

If you live somewhere with relaxed recreational cannabis laws, consider researching AFM smoke bubblers and having some alone time with cannabis. Bubblers are miniature versions of hand pipes with features from both pipes and bongs. They’re ideal for solo sessions, easy to use, and simple to clean and maintain. Consuming cannabis may make you feel more relaxed, less stressed, and possibly even better able to fall asleep.

Book a Massage

It can sometimes feel like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders. You may even feel like you physically do, with muscle pain, tightness, and discomfort. Do your mind and body a favor by booking a therapeutic massage.

You can enjoy being pampered and taken care of for your entire appointment while light music plays in the background. After a half-hour or hour-long massage, you may feel more relaxed, less stressed, and possibly even less sore.

Enjoy Nature

Getting out in nature may not be an activity you enjoy often, but it might be one that holds the most value for you when you’re feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. A walk or hike in nature, or even a stroll through your local park, could be all it takes to help you feel your best. Studies support this theory; researchers exploring the levels of nature and stress response found that exposure to natural environments can reduce psychological stress.

Read a Book

Life can get so busy that many women barely have time to sit down, let alone read a book. When you’re trying to reduce your stress levels, make simple activities like reading your priority. Allocate time at least a few times a week to enjoy reading by yourself in a quiet space. If you don’t think you’ll get uninterrupted reading time at home, venture to your local park or cafe. You deserve this time to be about you.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

As scary as it can be to try a new relaxation technique, mindfulness meditation might be worth exploring. It doesn’t take up much of your free time, doesn’t cost money, and can make you feel more relaxed.

Mindfulness meditation involves tuning into your thoughts and feelings with guided imagery and breathing methods. Studies have found that those who engage in mindfulness meditation practices are less likely to react to negative thoughts in times of stress.

Every stressed woman needs a solo activity they can rely on in times of high stress. You may start feeling more relaxed and at ease when you prioritize solo activities like the ones listed above.