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A Simple Homemade Shampoo That Makes Your Hair Grow Like Crazy

This shampoo is becoming an instant hit because it’s the best homemade product you’ll ever use. It’s easy to prepare, cheap and the best thing about it, is that will make your hair extra healthy and grow like crazy. This shampoo is a real vitamin bomb for your scalp and hair and will regenerate your hair from the follicles.

Here’s what you need to prepare the hair growth shampoo:

  • 1 fl oz. Nettle shampoo
  • 1 fl oz AD drops
  • 3 fl oz. Panthenol
  • 2 fl oz. Castor oil
  • 1 fl oz. Nettle drops
  • 2 ampules of vitamin B


You can find all the ingredients in every pharmacy and they’re really cheap. Put all ingredients in a big bottle and mix well. Shake the bottle before using it.

It will take a month to see the amazing results. You’ll notice your hair becoming healthier, longer and voluminous.