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Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Your dog would love to always have you right beside. But unfortunately for him, it’s not possible. Answering these questions could help you to determine what the problem is. Is your dog getting nervous and whiny when he sees you’re about to go? Is he destructive and damage everything he can get when you leave him alone? Does he bark and howl for so long that you’re getting complaints from your neighbors? If he does it regularly, he could suffer from separation anxiety. Unfortunately, people don’t understand this kind of behavior. According to the Ultimate Home Life Review, this is one of the most common reasons that people give up on their canines. Read this article to find out more about this condition and how to solve it.

What is separation anxiety?

According to dr. Karen Overall, it is “A condition in which animals exhibit symptoms of anxiety or excessive distress when they are left alone.” Simply speaking, it’s a situation when the owners’ departure is making dogs extraordinarily stressed and anxious.

How to recognize it?

A dog suffering from this condition feels excessive distress. Because of that, your doggy could do any of the following when you’re away:

– barking, howling and crying excessively

– scratching doors and windows

– chewing random things

– drooling and panting

– relieving at home

– trying to escape


Multiple factors might trigger this condition. If your dog is used to living with people, he might be shocked to be alone for a longer period. Leaving him for the first time could cause the same effect. If you adopted the dog or got him from somebody else, this is a huge source of stress either and, therefore, might result in separation anxiety. Not only changing owners but also residence could have the same effect. If you think that any of these might be responsible for dog behavior, read how to help your pet below.

It’s essential that you correctly identify the problem before taking any treatment. Sometimes these problems might signal different issues. The first thing you should do is taking your pet to the vet. He should acknowledge that unwanted actions are an effect of separation anxiety and not some other health conditions. Some drugs might cause undesirable effects, so if your dog has to take any medications, let your vet know about it.

Depending on how severe the problem is, you might take different actions.

If the problem is still mild, you can help without using professionals’ help. Make sure that your departures and comings are always quiet and calm. It’s best if you ignore the dog for a few minutes after coming back. Leave him your long-lasting dog treats that will keep him busy for a longer time. Do that only when you’re gone, and take it once you come back. Consider leaving clothes that you were wearing a short time ago. Buying some calming natural medicines that are possible to buy without prescription could also help.

However, if the problem is severe, anything of the above will help. That’s why you’ll have to familiarize your dog with your absence. Be careful because you have to be confident, and at the same time, avoid your dog’s fear at all costs. Otherwise, this treatment could backfire and result in even more severe stress. You have to read your pet reaction, and as it could be hard and tricky, it’s best to use the help of professional animal behaviorist. Once he explains to you essential information, and how to deal in various situations, you should start acting. Put on your shoes, pick up the keys, or put on a jacket. Make your blue-eyed boy thinks that you’re really leaving. He will get nervous, but you’ll surprise him and won’t go. Instead of departing, start watching TV, read newspapers or do anything that you’d normally do. Repeat this process every day many times. When you notice that your dog feels less stressed about that, move forward and start leaving for real. At first, tell your dog to stay, then go outside, close the door and come back in a second. Like before, repeat the process, but every time leave for a slightly longer time. Reward him with favorite treats when he behaves properly. After some time, you should be able to leave for a few minutes. Be patient, and your trouble will pay off. Repeating this process and extending the time you’re away every time will eventually bring desired results.

Also, keep in mind that just like humans, dogs need physical effort. Walk with him often and make sure he gets a lot of running and exercises. Mental effort is just as important. Teach your dog tricks and train him. Working not only on his body but also a mind should keep him tired. All that effort will make him happier and less stressed.

Dealing with your dog separation anxiety is hard work, but it’s gratifying if you succeed. Remember that your dog is not causing trouble on purpose, so be patient, use these methods, and believe that you can overcome separation anxiety together.