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Science-Backed Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out

We’ve all been there. We managed to stick through a workout regime for a while, felt really good about ourselves, and somewhere along the way – our motivation simply fizzled out. It always starts so innocently, by skipping a day or two in the gym or by justifying slacking with tiredness and the lack of time. All is well until that dreadful moment when we look back over the shoulder and realize it’s been over a month since we haven’t exercised. But don’t wave your white flag just yet: here are some science-backed ways to get back on track.

Work on Forming a Habit

Sticking with your fitness goals is a lot easier if you keep in mind two things. Firstly, you should integrate exercise into your daily activities, preferably always the same time of the day, so to build consistency. Secondly, you should perceive the act of physical activity as something that is a part of your lifestyle, not solely a mean of reaching a certain fitness goal. Sure, it’s good to set fitness milestones to keep you going and prevent monotony, but working out means taking care of your body continuously. Study conducted by the University College of London published in the European Journal of Social Psychology says it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit. Humans are incredibly adaptive, so try hard to get through the first two months and then – it’s all about smooth sailing.

Use Fashion as Your Ally

Of course we are not what we wear, but our clothes do affect how we feel. In 2012, a study titled “Enclothed Cognition” was published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. In short, the researchers have proven that humans undergo mental changes when wearing certain types of clothing. This means that we subconsciously associate symbolic meaning to specific garments, while they alter the way we feel, think, and behave. To get into the exercising mood, keep your workout clothes and gym gear in your sight as a reminder to hit the gym. The moment you put them on, you’ll be ready to break a sweat. Another tip comes to us by color psychologists: research suggest that orange and red are the best colors to pick as they can enhance your performance and make you feel more confident in your abilities.

Snap a Selfie or Two

Whether we like it or not, but we all enjoy the attention we get via social media. Social endorsements are like gentle strokes for our ego, but here’s another way you can take advantage of what happens across Facebook, Instagram, and other networks. As one study from 2015 has proven, social influence of online peers can be a huge motivator and help you improve your exercise habits. Even though social networks are notorious for body shaming, it’s good to remember there are positive sides as well. Your friends can be incredibly supportive, so by sharing your fitness journey through selfies or documenting your progress with status posts and photos – you’ll commit to a healthy lifestyle. Although you should never exercise for anyone else but yourself (let alone for external validation), social media is a good way to get the wind in your sails, until you set your priorities straight.

Get a Workout Buddy

Having a workout buddy is a great way to stick to exercising regularly, researchers from the University in Aberdeen confirmed in 2016. A true friend will show no mercy for your excuses and will be more than glad to get you off the couch. There are many benefits of having someone to workout with: it’s more fun, you actually enjoy the exercises, you stay motivated and you feel safe leaving your comfort zone. Exercising in pair helps you build stamina faster and your overall feel about going to the gym is more positive. The two-way emotional support is definitely something that keeps both of the fitness partners going.

Treat your body with respect and don’t ever say “I’ll start tomorrow”: try this scientifically proven ways to pump up your fitness motivation today!