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Say Goodbye To Bad Breath, Tartar And Plaque, And Kill Harmful Bacteria In the Mouth With This Ingredient

Oil pulling is a very old technique which was discussed in the Charaka Samhita, an Ayurvedic text. In order to perform this method, you need to swish the oil in your mouth for a few minutes daily. It gives many benefits.

The benefits of oil pulling are many, for example they help you get rid of bad breath and in the same time they whiten your teeth. In this process are used lipophilic oils that can attract other oils and fat-soluble toxins from your body.

Next, they eliminate the toxins from the areas where there is oil, so oil pulling will help you get a better oral health and will soak up the toxins from your body, in the same time you will purify your gums and teeth, and the oil will kill the bad bacteria in your mouth, remove plaque and tartar.

Here’s a list of all the benefits that the oil pulling has to offer:
  • Healthy skin
  • Healthy gums and teeth
  • Improved joint health
  • Improved respiratory health
  • Getting rid of toxins
  • Healthy sinuses
  • Relax jaw muscles and neck
How to do it?

If you want to try this method, take 1tbsp of oil, put it in your mouth but don’t swallow it. You can gargle or just swish it in your mouth. Do it for 15-20 minutes maximum. The oil should get thinner and whitish, and during this time the oil will kill bacteria and remove plaque, but your body will not absorb the toxins. It will be difficult for a start to do 15-20 minutes, but start with minimum 10, and then try it for a bit longer. Timing is very important.

You can spit it out at the end, or use warm water because warm water removes oil more quickly. And brush your teeth well to remove any bacteria. It takes 1week before you notice the results. Do it regularly and you will have a brighter smile. Pulling is a safe method, don’t worry! The oils are safe for us and can be eaten.

Short notes:
  • Sesame oil is great for teeth and bones
  • The oils have a bad taste but you’ll get used to it
  • DO NOT swallow it because it’s filled with bacteria and toxins
  • Do this in the morning on empty stomach and before you sleep at night
  • Spit it in a trash can or piece of toilet paper and throw it in the trash because the oils can get thick and may clog the pipes