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Saluyot: The Plant That Can Cure Diabetes, Asthma, Liver Disease and Heart Problems

More and more people are starting to believe that organic and natural medicine is the key to good health. Many people are trying to ease their illnesses with herbal medicine rather than using pills. Nature has given us so many great things that have amazing health benefits and that can treat many diseases.

Have you heard about Saluyot? It has many different names. It’s called Nalta jute in English! It comes from a family of weeds, in green or red variety. It grows in warm, tropical weather and it’s packed with vitamins and minerals when it’s cooked. Saluyot is a popular leafy vegetable in Southeast Asia. It is a good source of iron, vitamins B and C and also calcium. Medicinal uses include treatment of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

Health Benefits of Saluyot:

  • It contains beta-carotene and it’s good for the eyesight.
  • It’s rich in calcium and iron and it can help everyone maintain strong teeth and bones.
  • It can be used to soothe inflammations.
  • It can help you cure urinary bladder inflammation.
  • It’s rich in vitamin C and can help you boost your immune system.
  • It contains riboflavin, thiamin, folate, niacin and dietary fibers and can help you control blood pressure.
  • It can lower the risk of having heart problems, liver disease, diabetes, asthma and even cancer.
  • It is thought that it consuming this plant can ease labor pain.
  • It can prevent pregnancy diabetes.
  • It can help produce more milk for breastfeeding moms.

Skin and Beauty Benefits of Saluyot:

  • It’s packed with antioxidants and can reduce wrinkles.
  • It’s rich in vitamin E and can slow down the aging process.
  • It contains natural nutrients that can make your skin look smoother and younger.