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Reasons to Get Kids Involved in Household Chores

This is quite a hot topic for discussion whether the kids should contribute in the household chores or not. The idea for involving them is that once they grow up they are caught in the vicious cycle of work and it is the childhood only that helps them to be relaxed. On the other hand the school that believes in getting them involved claims that it is a good way to bond and learn the aspects of life.

I am a firm believer that kids should be involved it has so many benefits and doing a bit of work will not take away the fun from them. Life is all about striking the right balance between work and play. As they put it up work hard and party harder.

Recently while reading writemyessayonline.com blog I came across this article which I was pretty impressed with and share the benefits for getting the kids involved in household chores:

1. Learn skills

The most important reason is that it gets them acquainted with skills that will enlighten them for the journey ahead. It is necessary for all of us to learn is how to run a home, irrespective of our professional degrees. The schools do not teach everything, thus it is the duty of the parents to teach their little ones before they are off to their own dwellings. If they learn these things at an early age they will be confident about these tasks and will live a smooth life.

2. Responsibility

Allotting your child a specific task or a specific area in the house to clean teaches them the lesson of responsibility. A lesson that they need to learn to get through the life smoothly. Things that are directly associated with them is a good way to get them started. They will understand the benefits of clean and organized place and thus these habits will become a part of their personality.

3. Respect

All the parents have the tendency to get to work while the kids are off to school or are sleeping. These is a not habit as your kids will never realize how much hard work do you put in. If they see how much hard work and dedication is required just to put three meals in the table and organize a house they will start respecting you and your efforts.

4. Pride

Helping in some tasks and seeing the end results will boost their pride and self-confidence. They will feel happy about their contribution and praising them about the tasks done by them will make them feel elated.

5. Planning

Acquiring the ability to plan and think before doing something and facing the consequences is a skill that our kids need to be well versed with. These small habits will ultimately pay off and help them to become good planners.

6. Teamwork

Family is a team and working together as a part of team helps them to learn the benefits of teamwork. Teamwork involves listening to others and coordinating with others, it is a skill that they will need for their professional lives also.

About Author:

Ruchi Gupta: She is a parent of two, a writer and a blogger and teaches children with learning disabilities.