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Preventing Another Breakout: 5 Common Causes of Acne in Adults

Acne is often looked at as a teenage conundrum, but adults can suffer as well. Acne is a frustrating condition, no matter when it occurs. It can be especially annoying when the cause is not understood. Regrettably, acne can occur at any age and there is more than one reason. Understanding the common reasons for adult acne onset will help you to seek the right treatment.

Types of Acne

Acne is more than simple pimples. The condition can range from mild to severe and can include different types, including chin acne. The following are some of the acne types adults can experience

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Cysts
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Nodules

Properly identifying the types of acne you are experiencing will help you to seek the right treatment. Adult acne can be an embarrassing condition, but there are many methods of treatment

5 Common Reasons for Adult Acne

Unfortunately, getting out of your teen years does not ensure breakouts will stop. Many people experience acne well into their twenties and some even beyond. There are a few different causes, including those listed below.

  1. Hormones are one of the most common reasons for adult acne. Just like in your teens, hormonal fluctuations can lead to breakouts on your face and body. Starting or stopping birth control pills or going through your period or menopause can all lead to hormonal changes.
  2. Stress is also a major player in causing adult acne. When adult breakouts begin to occur, due to stress, androgens increase and these are the hormones that lead to acne breakouts. While eliminating stress may be impossible, a great reduction will help.
  3. Your skincare habits and the products used can also have a profound effect on acne. Using products that contain comedogenic oils can clog your pores. Using oil-free products and washing your face twice a day can reduce breakouts. If you wear makeup, never sleep with it on.
  4. Genetics can also be to blame for your acne problems in adulthood. If you have family members with adult acne, you are more likely to suffer from the condition. Thanks, genetics!
  5. Did you know certain conditions can exacerbate adult acne conditions and make them worse? If you suddenly begin experiencing breakouts after taking a new medication, check with your dermatologist.
Tips for Getting Rid of Adult Acne

There are skin care products that are made to help clear up adult acne so your skin is clearer. There are also some other steps you can take.

  • Try eliminating dairy so your skin is better equipped to remove toxins and bacteria.
  • Practice self-care and remove as much stress as possible from your life.
  • Do not pick your pimples, no matter how tempting it may be.
  • Spot treat your breakouts as soon as they occur so the acne does not spread.
  • If you have tried everything, prescription medications are available.

Dealing with acne at any age can be embarrassing, but it becomes difficult to explain in adulthood. If your skin has suddenly turned against you, there are steps that can be taken to alleviate the symptoms.

Acne is typically caused by the above issues. Once you have determined your acne triggers, seeking treatment will be easier and more effective. Try the methods above so your skin is noticeably clearer.