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Planning an Outdoorsy Honeymoon? Don’t Forget These 7 Essentials

Healthy honeymoons have numerous benefits, from boosting overall well-being to getting you and your partner outside your respective comfort zones.

And what better way to ensure that your honeymoon is healthy than to plan the bulk of it (or at least a healthy portion) as an outdoor getaway?

Skip the all-you-can-eat buffet. Get off the love seat. And arm yourself with these seven essentials to make the most of your outdoorsy honeymoon.

  1. Your Favorite Two-Piece

It’s your honeymoon! Look and feel the part with your favorite two-piece swimsuit, or pick up a new one for the occasion.

  1. Water Shoes

Swimsuits aren’t the only water items you’ll want to pack for your outdoor getaway. If you’ll be traipsing through rocky streams and rivers, treat yourself and your new husband to durable footwear that can handle the toughest stones and shells. For example, these men’s water shoes are a favorite for good reason — they’re far more versatile than you realize.

  1. Double Sleeping Bag

Planning to rough it on your honeymoon? Anticipating chilly nights? Cozy up in a double sleeping bag with room for two. This versatile sleeper comes in handy in more civilized settings, too — making cuddle sessions on your private outdoor patio all the more discreet.

  1. Portable Phone Charger or Power Pack

If you expect your outdoor honeymoon to take you off the grid for any length of time, or you’re concerned that your far-flung airport won’t have outlets at the ready, grab one of these top portable phone chargers before you hit the road. The last thing you need is a depleted battery.

  1. A Durable Insulated Tumbler or Water Bottle

No refrigeration? No problem. An insulated metal tumbler or water bottle is the perfect all-purpose accompaniment to any outdoor adventure, not to mention the perfect blend of romance and pragmatism.

  1. Plenty of Sunblock

You’re probably sick of hearing about the benefits of sunscreen, but all the skepticism in the world can’t wish them away. If you want to keep your skin healthy, retain that youthful shine, and avoid potentially life-threatening conditions known to be caused by sun damage (notably, melanoma), then you need to wear sunblock on a regular basis. Period. What better time to start than your outdoor honeymoon?

Oh, and don’t forget insect repellent if you plan to spend any significant time in humid conditions. Both sunblock and repellent are bound to sell at a premium in tourist destinations, anyway.

  1. Sturdy Walking or Hiking Shoes

Don’t hit the trail without hitting the shoe store (or virtual shoe rack). Depending on what you’ve got planned, you’ll want — at minimum — sturdy walking shoes that can handle plenty of abuse. If you’re doing any serious off-roading, hiking boots are in order.

Finding Love in the Great Outdoors

You don’t have to love getting up close and personal with nature to find love in the great outdoors. Every couple defines “outdoorsy” differently, and that’s perfectly fine. Your outdoorsy honeymoon shouldn’t push you so far outside of your comfort zone that you (and/or your spouse) are no longer having fun.

Above all else, the most important thing you can do on your outdoorsy honeymoon is to rekindle the romance that brought you and your partner together in the first place. Do that, and there’s no challenge you can’t tackle together.