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Personal Alarms For The Elderly & Medically Fragile

Personal alarms consist of a wearable device that creates an effective medical alert system which is exceptionally useful in keeping individuals independent even when suffering from a disability or medical concern that might otherwise have created a higher level of dependency on others. One simple push of a button that is worn around one’s neck instantly alerts medical authorities and dispatches professionals to come to the aid of the wearer.

Technological advancements have come so far that a sudden fall can now be detected even if the individual is unable to push the button to the alarm. Tech advancements can sense an abrupt change in altitude such as what would occur if an individual were to fall, have a seizure, blackout, or lose their balance for any reason.

Personal alarms for elderly individuals are growing in popularity, especially as centurions become a larger than ever before percentage of the population and individuals begin to live longer with the advancements in medical interventions. As elderly individuals realize the growing length of life expectancy, they often express a desire to retain an independent living status for more years. Understandably, many do not wish to be a burden on family members by moving in with them for what would easily be anticipated as many years of fulfilling life ahead, nor do they wish to be coerced into giving up their independence by moving into some sort of facility. Families worldwide are dealing with the quandary of wanting to respect their elderly relative’s wishes to retain independence, yet struggling with fear and worry over their loved ones not having anyone there to help in the case of an emergency.

A talking pendant option can be quite useful when looking for personal alarms for the elderly. The talking pendant allows the wearer of the alarm to talk into and listen to a live individual directly from the wearable pendant. This means that if a fall, a stroke, a heart attack, or some other emergency situation occurs there is someone who can communicate in real time with the wearer of the pendant, gently and calmly talking them through a tough or painful situation in a reassuring manner. It can also clarify if there is an accident button pushed or a false alarm which needs to be negated.

A personal alarm can help assuage the concerns of loved ones by helping them to know that at the simple push of a button help can be summoned. It makes allowing the independence of their loved ones that much easier. Personal alarms for elderly and the medically fragile can increase their independence and create a much higher level of peace of mind for family members and friends who care about their health and safety.