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Natural Remedy for Curing Skin Tags, Age Spots, Warts, Moles and Blackheads

The Mother Nature has given us incredible remedies that are gentle to your skin, cleanse it thoroughly, and gives it a beautiful glow.

Remove warts, skin tags, age spots and blackheads with these natural remedies.

Skin Tags/ Moles

Skin tags are mainly caused by genetics, but they can also occur when your skin excessively rubs together. The best way to treat this skin condition is by using apple cider vinegar. Apply apply cider vinegar 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks until they fall out. You can also use tea tree oil. Apply it directly on the tags 2-3 times a day for 1 month.


Warts are caused by HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) and you can treat them with apple cider vinegar, raw honey, garlic juice and banana peels. Apply any of these products 2 times a day for 2 weeks to see the incredible results.

Age spots/ Dark spots

Dark and age spots are caused by sun damage and liver irregularities. They can be easily treated with vitamin C serums, lemon juice, onion juice and Aloe Vera gel. Another way to treat dark spots is to use a vinegar and horseradish mixture. Apply the mixture directly on the spots to see great results.


Clogged and dirty pores lead to having nasty blackheads. Make a scrub by mixing lemon juice and organic sugar. Apply the paste on the areas where you have blackheads and massage the paste into your face. Rinse with lukewarm water afterwards.