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Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has received bad press from media and celebrities alike; society has donned the term with negativity. The reality is that plastic surgery goes way beyond “looking good” and it has improved the lives of many patients who have undergone reconstructive surgery.

Those who carry out plastic surgery are largely under credited when their job is just as complex as any doctor performing a medical procedure. Those who choose to have plastic surgery done are met with insults or jokes about a very personal and intimate decision. So where does all the negativity towards plastic surgery come from? It is mainly due to serious misconceptions on the subject. Here are three main misconceptions about plastic surgery that need to be re-evaluated.

It’s Only For Women

It is not as surprising to hear of a woman undergoing plastic surgery. However, the reality is that 15 percent of the patients who undergo cosmetic surgery are actually men. This statistical data is only rising as the years go by as the myth is debunked further.

The high demand and competitiveness from the job market for youthful appearance is something both male and females face on an everyday basis.

“Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for men to turn to cosmetic procedures for all sorts of reasons, not strictly vanity,” says Dr. Gary Breslow of The Breslow Center for Plastic Surgery. “Non-invasive procedures are appealing to men who don’t have the option of taking time off from work, but surgical procedures like liposuction and rhinoplasty are also increasingly popular.”

The most common procedures undergone by men include: rhinoplasty, gynecomastia surgery, Botox, neurotoxin, and fillers for a rejuvenated appearance. Any person can choose cosmetic surgery as a solution to their situation, no matter their sex.

It’s Only For Those Who Are Vain

Another leading myth behind cosmetic surgery is vanity; only those who are burdened by looks or heresy need to have atheistic procedures done. The truth is that many have cosmetic surgery for reconstructive purposes, health reasons, or to simply achieve a better quality of life.

Surgery might not make you live longer but it does allow you to enjoy the life you get. Patients gain an improved body image and a greater satisfaction from looking their best. Self-esteem is something every human should have and if a small cosmetic change can greatly improve a person’s sense of worth, then it should not be met with insult or ridicule.

Botox is Dangerous

The third most prevalent myth is that cosmetic surgery, particularly Botox, is dangerous. It is true that Botox is derived from a toxin in a bacterium. However, it does not contain nearly enough to cause actual harm to a patient.

Other surgical procedures for cosmetic purposes are handled by professionals and highly advanced technology. Cosmetic surgery is no more dangerous than regular medical procedures. The important thing is for you to seek a professional cosmetic surgeon in order to ask questions and request information about any concerns you may have.


It is wise to be informed about the subjects you do not understand about in order to limit the spread of false propaganda. Debunking myths is crucial in order to help the general public better understand cosmetic surgery and its benefits, including health reasons.

It is time to extend the good news about cosmetic surgery and support those who have undergone procedures of some kind by electing to quit believing the myths. The reason behind their choice for undergoing cosmetic surgery is personal and should be respected by everyone else. Cosmetic surgery is a great asset in the medical field that has helped thousands of people lead better lives while restoring self-confidence.