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Misconceptions About Vaping

Even though vaping is a topic that many people are constantly talking about, it’s also a topic with a lot of misconceptions. In other words, there are too many misinformed individuals who will think of anything to discredit vaping in general.

The reality is that we live in a modern world where everything can be shared in a matter of seconds, and from there it can spread like a wildfire. The problem is that too many believe these stories without knowing how much substance lay behind them. This article should set a few important things straight.

1. Young People Who Wouldn’t Smoke Otherwise Go For Vaping

If there is one rumour that really throws all logic out the window, it has to be this one. Apparently, and without any research to back up this claim, it is believed that young people who wouldn’t even have thought about smoking now want to try vaping. Of course, it would be ignorant to assume that this “theory” isn’t possible. But at the same time, how exactly can it be established that this is a big problem?

According to actual research, the number of young people who don’t smoke but started vaping is a little lower than 1%. And just out of interest sake, this percentage includes teenagers that haven’t even used a nicotine-based e-liquid. So, that means the uptake in vaping (according to facts) barely gets to 1% and thus can’t be blamed for “inspiring” non-smokers to vape.

2. Vaping Is Just Another Way To Consume Nicotine

It is not uncommon for people to use vaping as a tool to help quit smoking. However, at no point did vaporizers become the poster children for this specific purpose. Even though, compared to the tools currently available on the market, vaping has shown the best results for those who want to quit. And for the most part, those who quit cigarettes tend to use a liquid that contains nicotine.

But as they get used to vaping, which mimics the habit of smoking, the need for nicotine decreases. This means that over time, those who want to quit find it easier to cut out nicotine altogether by gradually reducing the level in their liquid. And with the “act” of smoking still part of the vaping process, the brain adapts a lot quicker to the change.

Now, how exactly can this point be proven if you are out to poke holes in the healthier choice to vape? Well, the sales of e-liquid speak for themselves. More specifically, e-liquids that contain low levels of nicotine are much better sellers than those with medium to high levels. At the same time, there is a huge range of non-nicotine liquids available. And why would they be available if people weren’t buying?

3. Vaping Makes You Want To Smoke

Just when you think rumours can’t get more melodramatic, you come across something like vaping will motivate you to eventually pick up a cigarette. In truth (and it was just mentioned earlier in the article), vaping is usually a tool for stopping, not starting.

When looking at the research, some studies came to the conclusion that vaping has a 96% success rate in terms of helping smokers quit. If nothing else, these studies prove that media propaganda can really get out of control when personal issues are involved, because there is no evidence to show vaping inspires smoking.

4. You Never Know What You Are Vaping

Chances are you’ve heard somebody tell you they refuse to vape because the ingredients are always a mystery. You should also know that these people are very misinformed, seeing as it is illegal for developers of e-liquid to withhold details of the ingredients they use. In other words, it should be relatively easy to get the ingredients because you have a right to know.

Do yourself a favour and ignore this tall tale and everything that goes with it. And the people who are spreading it around don’t understand that they are more than lying to the public. They are also preventing people from making the transition to the healthier alternative.

But just to give you some perspective on what goes into e-liquid, they usually contain:

– Vegetable glycerin

– Propylene glycol

– Nicotine (if you want it)

You should also know that these ingredients have been thoroughly tested, especially their levels of toxicity and how safe they are to use. But the main point is that the ingredients of e-liquids are only a mystery to those who are too lazy to spend five minutes online.

5. It Is Better To Smoke Than Vape

The false stories just keep getting more ridiculous until they reach a point where people tell you vaping is more dangerous than smoking. And when you make this comparison, it’s important to keep logic intact.

For example, nobody is saying that vaping doesn’t carry any type of toxins. But it can be established that these levels are incredibly low, and compared to the toxins from a cigarette, it’s like comparing Mount Everest with a tiny ant hill. The fact is that smoking has hundreds of toxins that target every organ in your body. Nobody can say the same thing about vaping and proof it.

In addition, the anti-vaping campaigners have yet to prove that secondhand vaping is a danger to anyone. As for smoking conventional tobacco, there are more than enough studies that prove it is just as dangerous as smoking a cigarette yourself, if not more dangerous. And when you break it down to the basics, there is simply no denying that vaping is a lot safer than smoking – for everyone.

Either way, these rumours are still making their way across the internet and misleading people about how much safer vaping really is. But you don’t have to believe everything you read, and making the effort to get some facts (like reading this article for example) is a sign you probably won’t get sucked into the lies.