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Looking After Your Health During the Holidays

Once again the holiday season is upon us. The air is full of excitement and stress, as everyone prepares for the holidays. This is the time of overindulgence and fun.

However, during this period, it is also important to look after your health, both mentally and physically. This time can get so busy that we forget to take care of ourselves. So, in this article, we are looking at some simple approaches that can help keep you happy and healthy into the new year.

Top Tips for Healthy Holidays
  1. Maintain a ‘Relatively’ Healthy Diet – It is so easy to slip into the habit of overeating during the festivities. Then, before you know it, clothes no longer fit and you are on a 3-month diet plan to lose weight. Instead of piling on the pounds this year, try to slow down your eating. By taking your time, you taste the food more and allow for feedback from your body. You can still have a great time and eat those treats, but just control things a bit.
  2. Monitor Alcohol Consumption – This is certainly a time for ‘merry’ exchanges and plenty of parties. However, too much alcohol is terrible for your weight and overall health. By alternating between a soft drink and alcoholic drinks, you can reduce the impact and the pending hangover.
  3. Watch Out for Viruses – At this time of year, people are often more “touchy-feely”. Hugs, kisses, and handshakes are all a strong part of catching up with people. But, these actions open up more ways to get sick. That’s without considering nights of overindulgence and mistakes that might need a home STD checking kit after. Be sure to wash your hands regularly and protect yourself as best as you can.
  4. Food Poisoning – Although the thought of giving friends and family food poisoning is horrendous, it happens a lot more often than you’d think. During the holidays cooking can be a shared experience, meaning people attempt to cook when they otherwise wouldn’t. Food hygiene standards vary from household to household, and so visiting everyone for a holiday lunch or dinner can rapidly increase your chances of being sick. Then, of course, there is a buffet that sits on the side in the hope that visitors will help clear the excessive mounds of food that got prepared.
  5. Exercise – Just because it is the festive period, doesn’t mean that you need to abandon your workout entirely.
  6. Take a Break – With shopping, family demands, cooking, parties and more, the holiday season can become quite exhausting. Therefore, it is important to take time for yourself sometimes, get away from the hustle and bustle and relax a bit. An afternoon by a river, or in a spa can work wonders for your wellbeing.

By following the above tips, you should be able to make it through the holidays without needing to cut everything back in the new year. Taking a moment to think and plan really makes the difference, especially where stress and finances are concerned. Have a wonderful time, enjoy the celebrations, and be safe.