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Little Girl Sings To Her Beloved Cat As He Takes His Last Breath

Cats really become part of the family and when they pass, their loss is difficult to deal with.

Bailey, who was the star of the hit book ‘Bailey, No Ordinary Cat’, was 14 when he suffered from kidney failure and passed away. He was a crucial part of his human family and was very close to his human sisters.

In the heartwarming video you can see his human sister Abby singing to him in the final moments of his life. Abby is 4-years old and the pair was inseparable ever since she was born. Bailey was happy that he was in the arms of his favorite human while taking his last breath.

6 months after the passing of Bailey, the family decided to open their hearts once again and welcome a new four-legged friend. They named the newest addition to their family-Carrot. The kids love Carrot and they believe that Bailey would approve their newest family member. Carrot is also a big hit on social media, just like Bailey. He has more than 150.000 followers on his Instagram page!

“I feel my prayers were answered. I don’t believe in reincarnation but many believe Bailey came back as Carrot. I do believe in God answering prayers and he answered mine. Carrot healed our broken hearts. We were devastated when we lost Bailey,” said mom Erin.

We all believe that Carrot and the girls will have a wonderful life together and that their beloved Bailey will always be in their hearts.