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Learn How to Prepare the Perfect Green Smoothie and Start Losing Weight

Green smoothies are rich in nutrients and fibers. They’re low in fat and they’re the perfect fat burners. Learn how to prepare the perfect green smoothies that will help you fight against extra pounds and will improve your overall health.Learn-How-to-Prepare-the-Perfect-Green-Smoothie-and-Start-Losing-Weight-1

1. Don’t use dairy products in your smoothie

You don’t need to use yogurt or milk for extra calcium, because you can get enough calcium from fruits and veggie. Dairy products contain hormones and fat that won’t help you lose weight. In a blender, put kiwis, oranges, figs, dandelion greens and 1 tbsp. chia seed and your body will get enough calcium.

2. Use very little to no sweeteners

Processed sugar is not your friend especially when you’re trying to lose weight. You can sweeten your smoothie by using bananas and dates. Avoid using honey, table sugar and agave syrup when preparing your smoothie.

3.  Limit the amount of fat in your smoothie

Too much fat in your smoothie can cause you gases and bloating. It can also cause you to gain more weight instead of losing. Don’t use more than tbsp. flaxseed/chia seed or ¼ avocado when preparing your green smoothie.

4. Don’t use store bought juices

Don’t use store bought juice when preparing your smoothie. They’re full with preservatives and sugars and are bad for your health. Simply squeeze a fresh citrus or a lemon.

5. Avoid canned fruits and veggies

Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in fibers and vitamins and they’re the best immunity boosters. If you want to save some money you can use frozen fruits and veggies but never use canned ones.

6. Minimize the amount of powders in your smoothie

Rice protein powder can help you lose weight but we advise you to use small amounts of these powders when preparing your smoothie. If you really want to lose weight, use whole foods instead of expensive supplements.

7. Don’t rely only on the green smoothie for weight lost

They’ll definitely help you lose weight, but if you want long term results you must make lifestyle and diet changes.

The Best Weight Loss Smoothie Foods

Foods high in fibers and low in calories will definitely help you lose weight. The fruits and veggies that stand out in the crowd when it comes to losing weight are: apples, pumpkins, kale, pomegranate, blueberries, chia seed, pears, bananas, oranges, broccoli, celery, carrots, cucumbers and all leafy greens.

Read more: How to make a green smoothie