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Jade Rollers – Firming Anti-Aging Facial Massager

If you’ve scrolled through Instagram lately (lol) chances are you’ve come across a jade roller or two. The beauty #topshelfie favorite has become popular on the ‘net in recent years, but it’s actually been around for centuries.


So, what is a jade roller exactly? “It is a very simple tool, a roller attached to a handle and made out of jade,” Jade rollers date back to ancient China and have been used for centuries to both bring positive chi and muscle relaxation to the face.The jade roller can be used on the face, neck, and eyes as a lymphatic massage, which is the natural drainage of the lymph, the a bodily fluid that carries waste products away from the tissue and back towards the heart.

Flash forward a few hundred years: In 2018, jade rollers were all the rage on Instagram, beloved by beauty bloggers across the globe. Their popularity can be attributed to their position at the intersection of two trends: increasing interest in both self-care and “natural” wellness products. You can acquire a jade roller for $29.99 on Amazon.com.

You can purchase this product on amazon link below:
