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Is Your Smile Making You Look Old?

You wear sunscreen, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and count your steps. But you may be missing a significant opportunity to look younger and more vibrant. Don’t let your teeth make you look older. Acidic drinks like coffee and wine can darken your teeth, and smoking amplifies the effect. The older you get, the further your teeth drift from the ideal straight, white smile you’ve always wanted. If you don’t pay as much attention to your mouth as you do the rest of your body, your teeth can age you beyond your chronological age. Despite popular belief, dentists don’t just slow the visible aging of the teeth; they can rejuvenate your entire appearance.

In your 20s

All of the foods and drinks you love, like tomato sauce, wine, and coffee are waging war on your smile. Even if you’ve had orthodontia, your lower front teeth start to shift as early as your 20s, leaving your smile and bite less than perfect. Slow the aging effect of darkening, shifting teeth with a line of professional oral care products that care for your whole mouth.

Keep your lips plump and moisturized and your teeth sparkling white with a line of oral care products from internationally renowned NYC cosmetic dentists. Linhart Dentistry developed all the tools you need to keep your smile bright at home, backed by more than 100 years of dental expertise. Shave a few years off of your appearance by maintaining a healthier looking smile with these effective dentist-backed treatments. Your brighter smile will instantly give you a more youthful appearance.  

In your 30s

Nothing ages you faster than chipped edges and dark fillings visible when you smile. Most people have silver amalgam fillings in their back teeth placed when they were teenagers that are long past their expected ten-year lifespan. As time goes on, the surfaces and edges of your teeth wear down and deteriorate the integrity of the fillings. Modern dentists use advanced dental composite resins and veneers to erase a lifetime of wear and tear on worn surfaces and edges.

Dentists can replace worn-out silver amalgam fillings with strong and reliable tooth-colored resin that doesn’t compromise your aesthetics. Veneers can hide minor asymmetries and repair worn surfaces. You’ll leave with a youthful smile that shows the way you feel inside.

In your 40s

As you begin your fourth decade, your once sparkling, bright smile naturally darkens and becomes yellow and dull. Accumulated sun damage starts to appear as wrinkles around the delicate skin of your lips. This is the perfect time to see how your dentist can rejuvenate your appearance.

In less than two hours, your dentist can whiten your teeth back to their original dazzling shade with in-office laser whitening. You’ll walk out the door after one visit with a bright smile that makes you look younger and feel more vibrant.

In your 50s

Your teeth have served you well for years, but the time can take a toll on their appearance. Many women begin to experience the symptoms of perimenopause, which contribute to bone loss and sagging lips. Less resilient skin and a natural lengthening of the philtrum between your nose and upper lip make your smile appears like it’s collapsing.

Dentists can restore youthful, plump lips by taking into account signs of aging in the whole face, not just the mouth. Repairing misalignments by subtly shifting the bite with Invisalign or night guards can dramatically reverse the visible effects of aging.

Your smile says a lot about your age

A skilled cosmetic dentist rejuvenates your entire appearance and highlights your best features at any age. Declare war on premature aging and project a more youthful appearance. Ask your dentist which cosmetic dental procedures can make you look younger.