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Important Things You Can Do to Prepare Yourself Before Visiting an Optometrist

Having your vision checked should occur on a regular basis, but many people neglect this part of their health care until they experience vision problems of one kind or another. There are many reasons why people neglect to visit an optometrist regularly. The cost, as well as the time involved, is high on many people’s list, but worrying about having to wear glasses can also keep people from making and keeping appointments. To help make things easier on you, here are some tips that can help you prepare yourself before visiting an optometrist.

This first aspect of preparing for your visit begins when you make your appointment. During your phone call, ask if the optometrist needs to dilate your eyes or use other kinds of drops during your exam. If so, ask if these are likely to affect your vision and make driving more difficult than normal. When you find that the drops used might cause problems with glare from the sun or affect your ability to focus, you might need to have a friend go with you to drive you home after the optometrist finishes your examination. This person can also help you remember to ask questions that you may forget during the examination.

There are several things you should bring with you when you are visiting an optometrist. You should write a list of any issues you may have had recently with your eyes, as well as your family’s vision health. Being honest about any fears or nervousness about activities because of visual difficulties you are experiencing can help get you back on track with these. Medication that you take on a regular basis can also impact your visual health and you should discuss these with your optometrist. There may be a spot where these can be listed on your patient intake sheet, as well. Don’t forget to list any non-prescription medications you also take.

Your visit to an optometrist may seem full of many different aspects, and that is because several exams take place. Many dread the intraocular pressure test, as this requires you to remain very still while the optometrist blows a puff of air at each one of your eyes. This is probably the least comfortable test given, but it is crucial to detect the development of glaucoma before it becomes unmanageable.

Other tests given include the visual acuity test during which you read the letters on the chart from a specified distance. This gives your optometrist a general idea of where to begin with the other exams that measure vision. These are called the retinoscopy test and the refraction examination. These two give information about your eyes and their strengths and shape. An additional examination to check on your peripheral vision also plays a role in detecting problems with your eyes and vision. To learn more about the various tests performed during an eye examination, research the office website before you go. An office like Stoney Creek Eye Care will have a list of services and what each of those mean. Taking a quick peek beforehand will go a long way to making you feel more comfortable about what will happen.

However, many visits do not result in the detection of serious problems but instead, discover vision changes that are expected to occur as we age. These often result in prescription lenses. When your new lenses are ready, you need to revisit the optometrist to ensure they fit your face correctly. This visit does not take as long as the initial one, nor does it require the use of drops. Many times, fitting your glasses takes place with an assistant instead of the optometrist.

If the optometrist discovers a serious condition, ask for care sheets and other literature about the condition. Having these can help you find out more after you go home and can do some research online. Stick with sites that carry high authority and are written by licensed optometrists and other vision care specialists. Make sure to ask what you can avoid, as well as what you can do, to slow down the progress of any diseases affecting your eyes. If you want to assure yourself that the diagnosis is correct, you can ask for a referral to gain a second opinion.

Optometrists also help patients cope with damage to their eyes. Injuries from playing sports, using machinery or tools, or other accidents can cause serious injuries that require immediate medical attention. An optometrist can help resolve these issues and protect your vision from becoming damaged permanently. When this is not possible, these professionals can help you successfully cope with vision loss.

Hopefully, the reason you are visiting an optometrist is that you made an appointment. Taking care of your vision is something that requires your input and partnership with a qualified optometrist and his or her staff.