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How to Survive & Thrive: The Secret Toolkit

Many women pay more attention to their health & mental wellbeing when an event such as a holiday or an invitation to a special occasion is coming up. Whatever the reason, this is enough to kick-start a health drive and focus on our overall well-being. This is enough to place our own needs above everyone else. But, why should there be a trigger to get you into action? And what is this trigger based on? Usually, this is based on judgment, guilt, or comparing yourself to others. This results in a yo-yo pattern forming. This start-stop approach could end up making you feel worse and not get the results you want. Yet, many mothers raising children with disabilities rarely focus on their needs, and when they do, consider it a “treat.”

The truth is that the start-stop approach is not sustainable. The key to making sustainable changes in your health and mental well-being is a clear sense of purpose and direction, where the focus is on you! The impact and changes made go beyond one-time events and the reason for doing this has got to be so strong that the thought of not making these changes fills you with dread. 

So how is this done?

Let’s consider 10 areas impacting your well-being and lifestyle:

  1. Mindset – Your thinking impacts your behaviour, which forms your habits. What we set our minds to, we will achieve. How you talk to yourself, the opinions you have of yourself will affect the actions you take. Be kind to yourself and elevate the quality of self-talk that runs as autopilot in our minds. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. 
  2. Sleep – What’s the quality of your sleep? Use these indicators as a measurement:
  • Do you feel refreshed when you wake up?
  • Do you wake up at the same time each morning without an alarm?
  • Are you able to sleep within 30 minutes of going to bed? 

Is there something in your current lifestyle impacting your quality of sleep? Eliminate blue light exposure from technology at least two and a half hours before going to bed.

  1. Stress – Reduce, if not eliminate, or learn to manage your stress response. A simple technique that will instantly lower your stress levels is a simple breathing exercise called the 5-5-7 breath. Breathe in for the count of 5, hold for the count of 5, and breathe out for the count of 7. 
  2. Food – Food is much more than what we eat. Check in with how you are feeling, and ensure you are not stressed or eating on the go. Eating quickly destroys our metabolism and creates a digestive upset. The slower you eat, the faster you metabolize. Ideally, the optimum time to finish your meal is 20 minutes and until you are about 80% full. Focus on eliminating processed foods and on eating more whole food-based ingredients. 
  3. Water Intake – Drinking an adequate amount of water is critical to optimize energy levels and clear thinking. If you are feeling hungry between mealtimes, drink a glass of water instead of reaching for a snack. Increase your daily intake by getting into the habit of drinking water throughout the day.
  4. Clutter – This has an impact on your well-being. Clear anything that is cluttering your cupboards, wardrobes, and handbags. By getting rid of the clutter (the old), you are allowing new possibilities in life. 
  5. Let Go – What is not serving you right now? Often we hold on to past hurt or misunderstandings that may ultimately drain our energy and lessen our ability to be fully present. Take stock of past events and feel ready to move forward by releasing what no longer serves you. This does not mean you forget; instead, you are choosing to take an empowered stance that allows you to feel lighter and freer. 
  6. Movement – This can simply be a daily walk or trying a new exercise routine. Connecting with nature calms the nervous system and exposure to natural sunlight plays an essential role in deep restorative sleep. 
  7. Environment – Humans by nature are social beings; yet with technology around us, there is a danger of disconnect. Nothing beats the power of real-life interaction for your overall health and mental well-being. Surround yourself with people who enrich your life and avoid those who drain your energy. 
  8. Daily Rituals – Begin to focus on becoming deeply present and fully engaged in your life. Focus on what you want rather than what you do not want. Introduce meditation or simply increase mindfulness in any given activity. Take a step back and appreciate all that you have already. Each morning, write five things you are grateful for. 

Want to discover how to make sustainable changes and take back control of your health and wellbeing? Then let’s have a chat, drop me a message or give me a call. If not now then when? This is your time. 

About the Author

Sera Johnston is a Health & Mindset Coach specializing in supporting women raising children with disabilities to reclaim their identity, health & happiness. www.serajohnston.com.