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How to precisely prepare when Designing, Building and launching a Website

Depending on how you prepare, your website will be a success or failure. Website design and build narrow down to the preparation by the website owner and or designer. Designing your website will require you to have all the core features and aspect of website design and build which you can learn. Launching your website will also require ample resources to ensure you are not dealing with low-quality content or fewer visitors.

Follow the New Website Checklist guide below on preparation for website design, build and launch.

  1. Choose a website platform

The first step in website setup is choosing a platform to build your site on. There are many platforms for building your websites such as WordPress, Weebly, Shopify, Gator and eCommerce. Website building in platforms such as WordPress is easy and does not require sophisticated knowledge in technology and computers; even novices with little information on technology can build sites on these platforms. Other platforms like Webflow require knowledge of coding languages such as HTML and or CSS in to complete site building. That is why most users use ab testing on webflow. It is for this reason that we recommend WordPress as it has easy-to-use tools and tabs that will make your website building easier. WordPress also contains hundreds of tools and themes for website design and customization.

  1. Get a domain name

Getting a domain name is easier if it has not been used before. You should use your business name to come up with a domain name. Choosing your domain carefully is vital; your domain name should suit your business. It should also be easy to locate on the web for customers to access your products or services online.  Include the keywords that people search for in your product or service category. After picking your website building platform, you can look up for your favorite domain names and choose the appropriate ending you desire.

  • Set up your website

Your next task is to set your password. Most website platforms offer an intuitive and easy-to-follow guide on completing your account setup. Here you can choose your favorite hosting plan from your hosting company. Set up your account username and password. Keep your credentials secret to avoid unauthorized access to your site. After you complete your account setup, you should sign out and log in to your account to confirm the effect of the changes.

  1. Pick a theme or website template

The available themes depend on your website hosting platform. Some platforms like WordPress have plenty of themes for website customization. You can also go for a website template to assist in your design. Customize the background, colors, fonts and text styles in your site. Alternatively, you can go for a theme that fully customizes the web page without the need for one by one-custom modifications. During web design, you should avoid straining to complicate your site structure with additional modifications; rather a basic structure will leave your website stunning. You can always come later for additional design.

  1. Add content to your site

The last process in website design, build and publishing are to publish content. Content brings life to your site and is what readers are looking for. You can start with short blog posts on your website. Ensure you update your site regularly with content to attract more readers. Also, remember to market your website products or services to popularize them.

Website design is a creative process and more of an art than science. By following some guidelines, you will come up with a visually appealing website.  Just ensure you design your website without the rush to ensure you get all site design aspects right.