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How to Conserve Water Every Day

Water is one of the most precious and important natural resources on Earth. Not only does drinking water allow us to stay hydrated and healthy, but it also gives us the ability to grow food and plants, wash our bodies and clothes, and cook meals. Advances in water filtration technology now allow us to enjoy water that tastes better and is cleaner than ever before! Though we all use water every day for so many things, we tend to take it for granted. Because of its seeming abundance in our households, it’s easy to lose sight of just how essential water is in our lives. We must make it a priority to conserve water whenever we can, so that we can be sure to avoid water shortages and keep our natural sources of water from becoming depleted. Here are some tips for conserving water that you can do every day, in order to be a friend to the Earth and protect our water supply from vanishing in the future.

Turn off faucets

It sounds almost too simple, but by just making sure to turn off the faucet in your kitchen, shower, or bathroom sink when it is not in use, you can help save gallons of water each day! People tend to turn on the tap and let the water run while washing their faces, shaving, or brushing their teeth. By breaking this bad habit and turning off the water while you brush or shave, you can save up to two gallons of wasted water each minute, according to the EPA.

Fix leaks

If your kitchen or bathroom sink has a leak that causes the faucet to drip continuously, it’s more than annoying- it’s bad for the environment! According to Boulder’s Flatirons Plumbing, a slow drip from a leaky faucet can waste up to 20 gallons of water each day, while a constantly-running toilet can use up to 200 gallons a day. Imagine how much you could save in both water conservation and your utility bill if you simply fix leaks as they occur!

Repurpose water

Are you guilty of turning on your shower faucet and then waiting a couple minutes for it to heat up before jumping in? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. You don’t have to switch to icy-cold showers to be a friend to Mother Nature, though- just collect the water in a bucket as it heats up and use it for something else, like watering plants in your garden. You can also do this when rinsing fruit and vegetables in a colander- rather than let it go straight down the drain, place a bowl underneath and use the water for another household chore. This way, nothing gets wasted.

When you think about all the ways you use water throughout the day, it’s easy to spot plenty of opportunities to conserve it. There are countless ways to cut back on water usage without having to make too many sacrifices or change your quality of life. By taking time to help conserve water, you’re making a difference toward a happier, healthier future for everyone on our planet!