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How Sugar, Gluten, Milk and Wine Harm Your Face

Your skin is a reflection of your health. Unhealthy foods and food intolerance can cause serious skin problems, especially on your face. Nigma Talib is a doctor who explains how certain foods and beverages you consume can harm your face. She especially focuses on sugar, gluten, milk and wine and how they influence your skin and face.

1. Wine

Typical symptoms of people who consume too much alcohol or are alcohol intolerant- too much wrinkles between the eyebrows, enlarged pores, dehydrated skin, red cheeks and lines under the nose.


2. Gluten

Typical symptoms of people who suffer from gluten intolerance- swollen, red cheeks; acne and chin discoloration. Experts believe that 15% of the world population suffer from gluten intolerance.


3. Milk

Typical symptoms- swollen eyelids, dark under eye circles, pimples on the chin area. All these symptoms show that you have milk intolerance and that you should stop consuming milk and dairy products.


4. Sugar

People who have sugar intolerance have many wrinkles and lines on their forehead; they’re swollen around the eye area and have dry and tight skin. Sugar contains molecules that bond with collagen and that cause your skin to lose its elasticity.
