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How And Where To Apply Your Favorite Fragrance Effectively

There’s nothing more evocative of place and time than scent. The right perfume can help you make an amazing, first impression and it can complement any outfit. The right fragrance is a delicious whisper that reminds people that you’re there.

Choosing the right perfume is important, but what’s also important is applying it correctly.


Find The Right Perfume

Finding the right perfume for you is the most important step. Don’t buy a perfume only because it’s a designer one. Spray some of the perfume on the back of your wrist and smell it. After 20 minutes smell it again and then decide if that’s the perfect perfume for you.

Always Apply Perfume on Dry Skin

Perfumes get more absorbed into the skin when it’s not wet. Spray some perfume on your body after taking a shower, once your body is dried.

Apply Lotion on Your Pulse Points

Pulse points are found inside of your wrist, the crook of your elbows, the back of your neck, behind your knees, and the inside of your ankles. Use an unscented or the same scent lotions as your perfume. Wait for the lotion to dry.

Spray Some Perfume on Your Hair

There is nothing bad in spraying some perfume on your hair. Spray your favorite perfume on a hairbrush and comb your hair with it. Remember not to spray perfume on your hair every day because the alcohol found in perfumes can dry your hair.

Do Not Spray Perfume All Over Your Body

Any perfume should be sprayed only on your pulse points. Don’t apply perfume all over your body because you’ll smell like you’ve cloaked yourself in scent.

Don’t Rub Your Wrists

This is the most common mistake! Do not ever rub your wrists after applying perfume. This way the perfume notes will get distorted.

Apply Perfume Before You Get Dressed

Don’t spray perfume after you’ve put on your outfit. You might ruin your clothes with perfume stains and cover your pulse points.

Wear Your Perfume With Confidence

Wear your perfume with confidence! Choose the fragrance you like and rock it!