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Homemade Honey and Cinnamon Mask That Make Your Blackheads Disappear

Blackheads can be really annoying, especially during summer when you’re sweating and your skin tends to get oily. Don’t stress yourselves, because we will help you have gorgeous, blackheads-free face for the summer. We’re giving you the recipe for the best anti-blackheads mask that’s made from all natural and healthy ingredients.

Honey has antibacterial properties that can help prevent your pores from clogging and pus (bacteria) from forming. Honey also helps to reduce redness and swelling.

Cinnamon has microbial properties that can help stop the growth of bacteria and fungi on your skin.


Here’s what you’ll need to prepare the homemade mask:

  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp. ground nutmeg


Mix all ingredients in a small, glass bowl. Apply the mask on a clean face and leave it on for 30 minutes. Remove the mask with a wet towel. To get amazing results, use the mask once a week.


Before using these ingredients, make sure you’re not allergic to any.

Read more: Honey and Cinnamon Mixture for Preventing Hair Loss