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Here’s What These 6 Random Pains in Your Body Mean

As we get older, the pains in our bodies start to increase. The pain that usually lasted for a minute, starts to linger for a couple of hours, then disappears only to return a couple of days later. These pains aren’t random and there’s a reason behind every pain. Sometimes the pain can indicate tear and wear of the body while others, can be a cause of concern.

Here are the 6 most common pains in the body and what causes them:

1. Sharp pain in your head

If you feel pain in the back of your head a couple of times a month, it can be an indication of occipital neuralgia. This condition is caused by an inflammation in the nerves that go from the spinal cord to the scalp.

2. Pain in the bottom of your foot

Pain in the bottom of the feet is mainly caused by overuse, injury and condition that cause bones, tendons and ligament inflammations. The pain mainly goes away with time but if you feel the pain more than a month, check with a doctor to see if there’s any fracture cause the pain.

3. Sharp stomach pain

Experiencing stomach pain once in a while is a sign of acid reflux. If you experience the pain more than 3 times a day, it’s an indication of peptic or stomach ulcer.

4. Pain in the back of your ear

Persistent pain in the back of the ear can be caused by pinched nerves in the neck. The nerves get pinched when your neck is bent for a long period of time. Sometimes the ear pain can be caused by dental problems.

5. Muscle cramp

Inadequate blood supply can cause muscle cramps. While you’re exercising, the arteries become more narrow and cause the muscle in your legs to cramp. Sometimes muscle cramps are caused by nerve compression.

6. Sudden back pain

The main cause for back pain is injury. When you’re exercising, you’re increasing the changes of getting a pulled muscle which eventually leads to back pain. On the other hand, if you have bad posture or you’re under a lot of stress, that can lead to chronic aching and back spasms. Sudden back pain can also be caused by a herniated disc.