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Helping Your Man Take Care of His Appearance the Right Way

It’s a common stereotype, but women trying to help out their men develop a better fashion sense can sometimes be too invasive and pushy, turning their partner off from the idea even more. Many men are happy with the way they look on a daily basis and it can be hard to convince someone that they should consider a new approach like skin care for men. But with a little help, and with plenty of examples, you can make sure that your loved one will show a much more active interest in this.

Encourage Him to Try a Small Change

Small steps win the big race – don’t start pushing big ideas on him straight away! Try out an approach like focusing on his accessories. A new watch could easily add a little flair to his look without taking anything away from it, and it can be a good starting point that can lead up to things like a new hat (if he likes the idea in the first place), shirt, shoes, etc. You get the point – starting off on a smaller scale can allow you to comfortably introduce new, bigger ideas without fear of having them shot down.

There’s no shortage of different accessories a man could add to his appearance to make himself more interesting, and it doesn’t even have to be anything overly flashy or eye-catching. Of course, if he does enjoy that sort of thing, you should give him all the freedom he wants to explore what works.

Get Him a Good Haircut

A haircut can make all the difference in how a man looks, and it’s sad to see so many of them going with something simple and effortless like a buzz cut. True, it takes a bit more time to maintain and that’s not something every man enjoys thinking about, but once you’ve shown him an example of how he could look with a new style, it should be easy to get him to the nearest barber shop in Orlando or anywhere else, for a refreshing change. Like above though, don’t rush this and don’t push it too hard at first, otherwise, you might discourage him from the idea altogether and you’ll find it even more difficult to convince him to try something new later on.

Beards Are In

Not everyone can grow a full beard, but those who can should definitely consider doing something more interesting with it every once in a while. This is also something that can be easier to introduce as an idea, as many men enjoy the notion of looking more rugged, which is exactly what a properly trimmed and groomed beard can achieve. If he doesn’t like beards though, there’s little to nothing you could do to convince him to change his mind. There are some practical reasons to object to that. After all, it can be somewhat uncomfortable in the heat of the summer when it’s so easy to sweat even without having your face covered in hair on the top and bottom.

Investing in a good trimmer early on can make a huge difference in how easy it is to maintain that beard, and there are various good models on the market that don’t cost too much either. Just make sure that it includes a few important features, like a catcher if you don’t want to spend too much time cleaning up.

Finding Clothes That Fit

A properly fitting suit can make a world of a difference in how your man looks, and that’s also something relatively easy to bring up if you’re feeling confident about it. However, keep in mind that not everyone is, well, suited for wearing a suit – this is particularly important with regards to his job. But if it’s appropriate, it can certainly introduce a new edge to his appearance.

Finding clothes that fit straight away is not very easy, and it often involves a lot of searching and comparing. However, a tailor should be able to do the right adjustments to make sure that each new shirt follow his body contours perfectly, and that’s not just as good as finding well-fitting clothes, it’s actually even better. Having something custom-tailored might sound like it would get too expensive, but it’s actually surprisingly cheap if you know the right person to do the job, especially if you make it a point to be a regular customer and show an active interest in their work.

Online Shopping for the Impatient Ones

Sometimes the problem is that he simply doesn’t want to be dragged around store after store. Instead, he just wants to sit back and relax with a simple, yet functional wardrobe. This can all change when you introduce online shopping into the mix. It will not only make the process simpler and more straightforward, removing any annoyance from it, but it will also give you a much greater variety of options to pick from for each clothing item you’re looking for.

There are admittedly some disadvantages to buying clothes online, of course. Finding a good fit is hard by just looking at pictures and sizes. It’s even worse when you realize that different companies tend to have varying ideas about the meaning of each of those size numbers, making it even more challenging to know what you’re going to get before it’s arrived. Some sites have friendly return policies that can simplify this process and remove all the risk on your end, so make sure that you’re shopping at one of those if this is important to you.

Before you know it, he might be the one asking you to go out shopping, and while that may sound fun, be very careful what you wish for. You never know when you might get tired of the whole ordeal yourself and look forward to a small break at home, so you can catch your breath. On the bright side, at least your partner will look amazing – and he’ll know it.