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Hair and Beauty Myths Busted!

We’re busting some of the most known hair and beauty myths. Keep on reading to find out if any of those myths are true!Hair-and-Beauty-Myths-Busted-1

Beauty Myths

1. Acne is the result of a bad beauty routine or unhealthy diet

There is no scientific evidence that certain foods cause you to have acne and spots. On the other hand, each person is different and some people notice that certain foods cause them outbreaks. Cut on those foods to see if there’s any improvement.

2. Cold water closes pores

A palm full with cold water cannot alter the size of your pores. As you get older, your pores will start to get larger and that’s simply how nature works. You can try using a pore minimizing face cream or try having a good skin regime.

3. All-natural beauty skin products are best for your skin

Unfortunately, there aren’t many all-natural products available on the market. Most beauty products contain preservatives that make the products last longer. The only way to be sure that the products you’re using are all-natural is to make your own product by using all natural and fresh ingredients.

4. Chocolate gives you spots

Thank God that this isn’t true! Studies show that most spots are caused by changes in hormones, pore blockage and stress. Although chocolate won’t give you spots, try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. They’ll promote the growth of healthy skin cells and improve your complexion.

5. Putting toothpaste on your spots will help you get rid of them

Unfortunately, toothpaste can’t help you get rid of spots. Some toothpastes can cause you more damage than good because they can block your pores and cause irritation.

Hair Myths

1. Brushing your hair often is good

Brushing your hair too often isn’t good because it can cause breakage and split ends. Try doing a head massage instead of brushing your hair hundred times a day.

2. Eating crusts will make your hair curly

There isn’t any proof that a slice of bread will make your hair curly. Continue eating your crusts because they’re an amazing source of fibers.

3. Plucking one grey hair out will cause 2 to grow back

As soon as you notice one grey hair and start panicking, you’ll start to notice more and more grey hairs. It’s not the plucking of the hair that causes more grey hairs, it’s the simple fact that your hair is turning grey.

4. Rinsing your hair with cold water will make your hair shiny

There isn’t any proof that rinsing your hair with cold water will make it more shinier than rinsing it with warm. On the other hand, rinsing your hair with hot water can damage your hair and make it dull and dry.