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Going Out With The Girls But You’re Tired of Just Drinking? Try These Fun Alternatives Instead

Ah, yes. Alcohol. The nectar from the gods. The inhibitor of inhibitions. There’s a very good reason why alcohol has been closely held by various cultures throughout the years. We drink when we’re sad, we drink when we’re happy. Other people drink just because. We drink and talk, then we drink some more. Doesn’t it get old, ladies?

Well, if you think so, then you’re going to be quite happy about what this article’s got in store for you. There are so many ways to have a fun night out. While a lot of these suggestions do involve alcohol, you won’t be “just drinking and talking” either. So, how exactly do you spice up your nightlife? You can start by reading on:

Pseudo-Bachelorette Party

Fake veil, some rather “inappropriate” toys, signs saying “show this lady extra love, it’s her last night being single!” and well, alcohol. A fake bachelorette party is bound to make your night interesting because of the premise it suggests — that the fake bachelorette is having her last night as a single woman. You can go bar hopping, taking turns being the fake bachelorette at each new place you go to.

Concoct Kitchen Devilry

Or kitchen goodness, whichever you prefer to use to define something profoundly excellent. You can hunker down in your kitchen with your girls and not only contemplate, but execute your culinary dreams. Either way, your girls are going to be there to help you along the way. Nothing deepens relationships more than being able to create something with someone, even more so when a meal is shared with friends.

The Classic PJ Party

Well, nothing beats going old school. And what’s more nostalgic than having a good ol’ pyjama party? Pillow fights, all sorts of delectable snacks, and an entire night of juicy gossip, laughs, and hugs. What’s not to love? Throw in some old chick flicks if you want to add an additional dose of nostalgia.

Male Revues

We all know what we want in a hunk. Chiseled chin, pecs that look like they were molded by gods, shoulders that look like flesh boulders, and abs that look so washboard-y that you could probably do your laundry on them. Now, picture a stage full of these gifts to womanhood, gracing your evening. Hunks the Show is a prime example of what you can expect from a male revue. And well, as if the hunks weren’t enticing enough, you’re sure to not only be wowed by their Greek hero-like physique, but also by their sheer talent.

Have A Photoshoot

Release the inner diva that lives within all of us. The great thing about having a photoshoot among friends is the comfort of knowing that you’re among people you trust. Not only that, but if some of you are camera shy, you could really help them move out of their comfort zone and to help them discover a side of them that makes them feel good about themselves.