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Get Outdoors! Four Tips for a Perfect Bridal Shower Picnic

What is it about a meal eaten outdoors that makes the food taste so delicious? Is it the fresh air that helps us work up an appetite, or does spending time in nature heighten all of our senses? Maybe it’s the casual ambiance or the sheer joy of spending time with friends and loved ones.

Regardless of the reason, a good old-fashioned picnic is a wonderful way to spend your bridal shower. With the right outdoor setting, great people, and good weather, your bridal shower picnic will be a laid back haven for the books. To ensure that your alfresco dining experience goes down without a hitch, we’ve compiled some helpful hints and hacks for packing the perfect picnic!

Select the Destination

First things first, you’ll have to decide where to go on your picnic. Make sure the location is easily accessible for all guests, especially anyone who might have mobility issues. Finding a dry, level spot to spread out your blanket is also key. No one wants to sit in damp grass or feel like they might tumble down a hill at any moment.

If you’re taking the kids, it’s a smart idea to choose a park with a playground or at least plenty of trees to climb and room to run around. Part of the fun of a picnic is lounging around all afternoon, snacking and sipping. Nothing will ruin that mood faster than a child complaining of boredom.

Plan Your Menu Carefully

Picnic food should be delicious, unfussy, and above all, easy to eat. Finger-lickign good fried chicken is a classic, but don’t rule out quiche, individual mason-jar salads, antipasto, and other small-bite nibbles.

For a sophisticated twist on the standard sandwich, make a muffaletta. It’s perfect because it can be made in advance. Instead of getting soggy like an ordinary sammie might, a muffaletta will only become more delicious after it sits for a bit.

Handheld foods are ideal, but food that requires a fork can work, too. Just steer clear of anything that requires a knife, or that’s sloppy, drippy or otherwise messy to serve or eat.

Make things easier on yourself — and safer for your guests — by bringing dishes that can sit around for a few hours and be delicious at room temperature. Cap off your meal with a delicious sweet treat, like homemade cookies or a piece of matcha chocolate.

Bring plenty of water to keep everyone hydrated. A Sharpie to label bottles will eliminate confusion. Want to include a picnic tipple? A box of wine is easier to carry than the equivalent bottles, but make sure you have sturdy, stemless glasses. Or bring grown-up Capri Sun-esque cocktails.

Don’t Forget the Thank Yous

Like every bridal shower, your incredible team of bridesmaids are helping you run the show. While you’d traditionally give your bridal showe a gift during your wedding day, many people are choosing to gift their best friends ahead of time. If you’re hosting an event like a picnic, this is the perfect time to give them a themed wedding gift. A customized bottle of wine or a wedding handkerchief are great options that they’ll never forget.

Remember the Non-Edible Essentials

While the focus of a picnic is usually the food, you’ll want to bring along some activities to keep everyone entertained as well. Playing cards or a simple game like Uno or Quiddler will be easiest — no tiny parts or dice to worry about. Lawn games like bocce, badminton, or croquet will get you up off your blanket and having a blast, Gatsby-style. Flying a kite is also a fabulous picnic pursuit!

Other crucial items to pack include:

  • A blanket, flat sheet or tarp
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Plates, utensils, and cups
  • Serving spoons, corkscrew, and bottle opener
  • Salt, pepper, and condiments
  • Plenty of napkins, paper towels, and wet wipes
  • A couple of plastic bags for trash, recyclables, and dirty dishes
  • Something to wrap leftovers in, if necessary
  • Sunscreen and bug spray
Pack Your Pic-a-Nic Basket Properly

Ideally, you should have a cooler for drinks and perishable foods and a basket or backpack for everything else. If it’s possible to divide the weight equally between several bags or baskets, so much the better, especially if you have a bit of a hike to get to your picnic spot. A cooler on wheels would also work well.

As you pack, try to place items in reverse order. Trash bags go on the bottom, food and toys in the middle, blanket on the very top. This will make setting up a breeze.

Closing Thoughts

Hope you’re inspired to pack a perfect picnic and get out into the sunshine! Do you have any tried-and-true recipes for food that travels well and is easy to eat? Share them in the comment section!