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Five Ways to Look Your Best and Boost Your Confidence

Thanks to the stress of balancing a career, a social life and a family, most women are pretty busy. With so much to take care of, it’s easy to let months pass without practicing the self-care you should. When you stop making yourself a priority, your self-confidence can suffer as well. If you’re feeling a little less self-assured lately, maybe it’s time to get back into some positive habits that can help you feel great throughout the day. Follow these five tips to help you look and feel your best today and every day.

1. Hydrate and Nourish Your Body

So much about how you feel comes from what you put into your body. Fatigue, stress and even depression can be combated by a healthy diet and plenty of water. In addition, you’ll see the benefits in your skin, hair and overall physique. If it’s tough for you to eat healthy, set yourself up for success by packing snacks and easy-to-grab meals ahead of time. Smoothies are a tasty way to get tons of nutrients without doing any cooking or prep work. Invest in a quality water bottle and keep it with you everywhere you go. Above all, focus on adding in the things your body needs instead of getting discouraged about cutting back. The right perspective can help you be more successful long term.

2. Develop a Healthy Skin Care Routine

If you neglect your complexion, it will catch up with you eventually. Dark circles, wrinkles and uneven skin tone can zap your confidence. However, if you invest in good products and use them routinely, you’ll see a noticeable change in just a few weeks. The options are practically limitless, so consider a monthly subscription box that lets you try samples of various products from different companies. It can be a lot of fun trying something new every few days, and you’ll be caring for your skin at the same time. Plus, you’ll be able to find the right combination of products for your unique needs before you invest in a full-size item.

3. Get Help Losing That Extra Weight

Carrying excess weight is one of the number one reasons for low self-esteem among women. For many people, maintaining healthy eating habits and exercising regularly aren’t enough to address stubborn fat in common problem areas, such as the neck, upper arms and midsection. Consider seeing a doctor who specializes in aesthetic medicine. They can offer state of the art techniques to help you rid your body of that extra weight so you look and feel great again. If you’re unsure of what method to choose, what to expect or if you’re even a good candidate for a procedure, watch a Coolsculpting video to help answer your questions and prepare you for your initial consultation.

4. Rework Your Wardrobe

The right outfit can make any woman feel more confident in an instant. If you feel less than fabulous in the clothes you’re wearing, it may be time to clean out your wardrobe. Every time you put on an outfit, take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Do I feel great in this?” or “Would I buy this again right now?” If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go. Work gradually, so you don’t find yourself running to the store for a quick replacement! When you do shop, try not to do it in desperation. Instead, take your time to search for items you really love before you invest in them. Ask a stylish salesperson for advice to help you try new things; moving outside of your comfort zone can make you feel like an entirely new woman!

5. Refresh Your Hairstyle

How often do you find yourself having a bad hair day? If your current style is unruly or difficult, you probably put it up or hide it under a hat far too often. Instead, find a great hairstylist and get a cut that suits your shape and lifestyle. If you can fix your hair in just a few minutes and feel great about it, it may be worth trying something a little shorter or with extra layers. Be sure to treat your hair well and get it trimmed as needed to keep it looking fresh.

If you need a confidence boost, it’s time to invest in yourself again. Give yourself the care you need and deserve for a healthier, happier you!