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Everything You Need to Know About Metacam for Your Dog’s Arthritis

Arthritis is a common condition that affects many dogs, especially as they age. It can cause chronic pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving, greatly reducing a dog’s quality of life. Fortunately, several treatments are available to manage arthritis in dogs, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Metacam. 

This article will provide a comprehensive guide to Metacam for dogs with arthritis. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of whether Metacam is a suitable treatment option for your dog’s arthritis and what to expect if your veterinarian prescribes it.

What is Metacam, and how does it work?

Metacam, also known by its generic name meloxicam, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly used to manage pain and inflammation in dogs with arthritis. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 20% of dogs over 1 year of age in the United States suffer from arthritis, making it one of the most prevalent health conditions in dogs.

Metacam works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are chemicals that play a role in causing pain, inflammation, and fever. By blocking the production of prostaglandins, Metacam helps to reduce pain and inflammation, which can help improve a dog’s mobility and overall quality of life.

How to administer Metacam to your dog

Metacam can be administered to dogs in either an oral or injectable form, and the specific dosage and administration method will depend on the individual dog’s health status and treatment needs.

When administering Metacam orally, it is important to follow the veterinarian’s instructions carefully. The medication may be given with or without food, but it’s important to avoid using other medications that can increase the risk of side effects. Additionally, pet owners should use the provided measuring syringe to ensure that the correct dose is given.

Alternatively, Metacam may be administered as an injection by a veterinarian. Injectable Metacam may be preferred in certain situations, such as when a dog is unable to take oral medication due to vomiting or other gastrointestinal issues. However, injectable Metacam is generally more expensive than the oral form and may not be covered by all pet insurance plans.

Why Buying Metacam From a Reputable Pharmacy is Crucial for Your Dog’s Health

When it comes to buying Metacam for dogs, it’s important only to purchase the medication from a reputable pharmacy. This is because there are many counterfeit medications and unlicensed vendors on the market, and these products may not contain the correct ingredients or dosage of active ingredients, potentially putting your pet’s health at risk.

By purchasing Metacam from a reputable pharmacy, such as a licensed veterinarian or certified online pet pharmacies like PetCareRx, you can be confident that you are getting a genuine product that has been properly tested and approved for use in dogs. 

These pharmacies have strict quality control measures in place to ensure that the medication they dispense is safe and effective, and they can provide guidance on proper dosing and administration.

Is Metacam safe for dogs? Potential risks and side effects

Metacam is generally considered safe for dogs when used as directed by a veterinarian. However, as with any medication, there is a risk of side effects. According to a study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, the most commonly reported adverse events associated with Metacam use in dogs are gastrointestinal in nature, including vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased appetite.

In rare cases, Metacam can also cause more serious side effects, such as kidney or liver damage. According to the FDA, dogs that receive long-term treatment with NSAIDs like Metacam may be at a higher risk of developing kidney or liver damage. As such, it’s important for pet owners to work closely with their veterinarian to monitor their dog’s health while taking Metacam and to report any concerning symptoms or changes in behavior.

To help reduce the risk of side effects, veterinarians may recommend starting with a lower dose of Metacam and gradually increasing it over time. Additionally, they may recommend regular blood work and other monitoring tests to ensure that the medication is not causing any damage to the dog’s organs.

It’s important to note that while Metacam can be an effective treatment option for managing arthritis pain in dogs, it’s not suitable for all dogs. Dogs with pre-existing liver or kidney disease, as well as those who are pregnant or nursing, may not be able to tolerate Metacam. As such, pet owners should always consult with a veterinarian before starting their dog on Metacam or any other medication.

Can Metacam be used long-term? How does it compare to other pain management options?

Long-term use of Metacam can be safe and effective when used under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian. In fact, studies have shown that maintained NSAID dosing is often a more effective way of pain control in dogs with Osteoarthritis than dose reduction over time. 

When compared to other pain management options, such as corticosteroids or opioid medications, Metacam is often considered a safer and more effective choice. Corticosteroids can have significant side effects, including weight gain, increased thirst and appetite, and increased risk of infection. Opioid medications can also have significant side effects, including sedation and constipation, and may be more addictive than NSAIDs.


This article has provided a comprehensive overview of Metacam for managing arthritis pain in dogs.

By reading this article, pet owners will have a better understanding of how Metacam can help improve their dog’s quality of life, as well as the important considerations to keep in mind when using this medication. By working closely with their veterinarian and considering all available options, pet owners can help their furry friend live a happier, healthier life with arthritis.