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What Equipment is Needed for a Personal Home Gym

Are you in a shortage of time and wishing to have a personal home gym? It’s not necessary to have all the latest gym equipment at your home rather you want it for your fitness goal. So you can make it as simple as possible. While selecting for the machines, focus mainly on the personal fitness goal and budget and space restriction.

For training, you need both cardio and weight training equipment. I’ve gathered here some of the standard equipment with what you can adorn the room.

Cardiovascular Equipment

If you want to improve oxygen circulation inside the body, you need cardiovascular equipment.

If you can invest only in one machine, it will serve your indoor cardio training. The training will allow your upper and lower body workout and little stress on your joints.

The equipment include:

  • Treadmill

It’s a good cardio equipment. If you enjoy running or walking, it’ll be a good option for you. Thus, walk or run on the machine and have the cardio training!

  • Elliptical trainer

Though there goes a debate that treadmill is better than an elliptical trainer, it’s also a good cardio equipment. It’s a low impact workout. The gliding motion helps to minimize joint pain and back pain. Again, it’s a blessing for the multitasking people. You can watch your favorite movie channel or read books while doing the training.

  • Recumbent or Upright stationary bicycles

It’s a good cardio equipment for your effective cardio function. You can go for the best exercise bike like the – recumbent bike for easier training and upright for the little bit upper training. In both the cases, you can increase the intensity level by regulating the resistance of the bike.

  • A punching bag

If you can apply the proper techniques with time, then you can have full body cardio workout by punching the bag. Hit the home punching bag as much hard as you can and release the sweat from your body. Finally, it’s the solid way to release stress from your life.

  • Rowing machine

It’s a good cardio equipment. It can build and tone your muscles and strengthen the cardio function. Moreover, it’s a great way to burn your calories. Again, it’s a solid alternative for people with back pain or joint pain.

Weight Training Equipment

Weight training is needed for increasing the strength of your muscles. If you want to be powerful and want to have stronger muscles, go for strength training.

The equipment includes:

  • Adjustable dumbbells

Dumbbells are a good source of weight training equipment. In the adjustable dumbbells, with the turn of the dial, you can control the weights to a different variety. It’s a good option for the beginners who can increase their strength gradually due to the adjustable option.

  • A weight-lifting bench

It’s a free weight full workout training. The bench helps to switch your positions maintaining the proper form.

  • Medicine balls

If you prefer machine free workout, medicine balls are the best I would say. Involved in the whole body workout by lunges, squats, curls or sit-ups without any exercise machine.

  • Weight Plates

If you buy different weights, then buy weight plates. You can buy weights from 2.5# up to 25#. If you’re very strong, you can go for 45#.

On budget equipment

For a personal home gym, it doesn’t need to be expensive at all. Cramming the room with unnecessary cardio or weight training equipment is meaningless.

On the other hand, if you’re on a budget and have little money to spend then you can choose budget-friendly equipment like-

  • An ab wheel

It’s a great way to flatten your stomach. Just don’t go too far or do it quickly because you might not be able to move the next day.

  • A jump rope

Purchasing the jump rope is a solid investment. 10 minutes jumping is equivalent to 30 minutes of running. It’s portable and also helps in increasing blood circulation in your body.

  • A pull-up bar

It’s a good budget-friendly and space-friendly equipment. Pull up is tough to do at the beginning. Set it up in the doorway, and thus you can practice whenever you pass the door.

You can also go for the minimalist treadmill and elliptical trainer for the low-budget.

Finally with your personal home gym, keep yourself healthy, active and stronger all the time.